Chapter 39 Christmas and a Surprise

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Weeks passed with 30 vampires in one house, not to mention Jacob's pack in the back yard and it seemed to be silent on the battlefront. We knew they were coming though. Alice wasn't wrong about these sort of things. Bella was working on sending her shield out of her own body so she could protect herself and learning to fight. Jasper and I were teaching her. I was working on taking on my other form, I hoped I wouldn't need it, but I needed to learn how to shift into it.

It was slowly getting colder as winter drew closer and closer. Snow was starting to stick now. They would be arriving soon. Bella had come up with a plan to get Charlie out of town for the battle, Sue, Seth and Leah's mom was going with him. Renesme had a plan to go with Jacob if things went south.

I was hoping it wouldn't come to a fight, I didn't want to lose my family, I finally found where I belonged. I didn't want to lose it or have it taken from me. "You all right love?" Jasper asked coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yes and no. I don't want to lose my family, I finally found where I belong, I found you."

"Which is why we're going to get married right now," Jasper said.

"Seriously?" I asked. 

"Yes," he said. "We have our friends here, most of the family. If we die tomorrow, I want to part from you as man and wife." I pulled him to me and kissed him passionately. It was Christmas and tomorrow was the day of the battle.

"Alice is going to kill us," I said. He laughed against my lips. "You find it funny now, she'll probably put pink hair dye in your shampoo." 

"I don't care, as long as I have you. So should we do this?"

"Hell yes," I replied. So Jasper went off to get things ready and Rose pulled me off to get me ready. It wasn't the wedding I had been planning, but it would do. I had my friends and almost all of my family. Alice would understand. I just wore my silver dress from Bella's wedding, not having a wedding dress and not wanting to wear Bella's.

I met Jasper in the living room where Renesme was spreading flowers, Garret was playing guitar. Rose and Esme were lined up to be my bride's maids and Bella was my maid of honor. Everyone was cleaned up, Carlisle was ready to walk me down the stairs into the living room. Someone had hung some fairy lights on the ceiling, candles were lit. It was beautiful.

As I walked down the stairs Garret started singing Elvis Presley's Can't help falling in love as he played on his guitar. Jasper and I both liked older music and had agreed on it for our wedding. So we had Elvis, The Beatles, and a few others. Eleazar acted as the priest and performed the marriage. We exchanged our vows, promising to love, be true, and cherish each other till parted.

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