Chapter 38 Romanian Visitors

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Jasper and I headed home at Alice's insistence. We separated partway to gather more witnesses, Jasper knew people from his time in the army. I knew others at the orphanage I had been in was always moving. I met many unique human-like creatures. I knew two vampires that would be more than willing to help us, it wouldn't matter what we did.

After my visit to Romania, I headed home with my two insane friends shortly behind. I would need to announce them to the family. When I got back to gray rainy Forks Jasper was there waiting for me with Charlotte and Peter. There were 28 others there as well, not to mention the packs. The packs had agreed to help us yet again. They were tolerating the vampires, even though these vampires drank human blood.

"Dad," I said coming up to the blonde doctor just as he looked into the forest.

"Who'd you invite?" he asked taking off. My friends had arrived. I took after my dad and a few other of the vampires not bothering to see who followed. I was more worried about what the pack would do to them. I got in front of the other vampires and found my friends sitting out of the wolves reach up on a rock at a base of a tree.

"Boys, don't antagonize the wolves," I said standing below them with my arms crossed.

"Vladimir, Stefen, you're a long way from home," dad said.

"I invited them," I said. Dad looked at me. "We need witnesses do we not, they're crazy enough to stand against the Volturi. No offense boys."

"None taken pup, we heard the Volturi were moving against and that you would not stand alone," Vlad said.

"We didn't do what we are accused of," dad said.

"We do not care what you did Carlisle," Vlad responded rolling his eyes.

"We've been waiting for millennia for the Italian scum to be challenged," Stefen said.

"It's not our intention to fight, it won't come to that," dad said.

"Shame," Vlad said looking at Stefen. "Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed."

"They enjoy a good fight," Stefen replied. The two went back and forth like brothers, they had known each other long enough. They looked nothing alike, except in skin tone and their red eyes: one was blonde and the other had dark hair. One was skinny as a rail, the other had more meat on his bones, probably was a wealthy human in his time.

"Aro's witnesses," our cousin from Alaska asked, Eleazar.  Later that night we discussed how Aro had done this before when he wanted someone from a coven. That's why Alice left, she was the one he wanted. Edward convinced everyone to stay and fight, not just for us, but for their way of life. The Volturi were collectors. Since everyone agreed to help, we just had to wait, wait for them to come to us.

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