Chapter 20 Happy Birthday Bella

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Chapter 20 Happy Birthday Bella

Bella was 18 today; Edward, Alice, and Jasper who were still in high school were going to get her to come to a party at our place. I wasn't really into parties, but Alice was insisting. I was trying to come up with ideas to spring Bella so she didn't have to go through this party but Alice kept blocking my ideas. I went to online classes and worked at the hospital in my spare time. Dad hired me as his assistant.

Right now though I was getting the house ready for the party, I was three weeks ahead of schedule in my classes. "What do you think about this party?" Rose asked.

"I don't think Bella would want it but she'll be polite," I said. As soon as Alice was home she was trying to get me into a dress. "Alice, I'm several inches taller than you and have a different build than you. I couldn't wear any of your dresses or anyone else's in this house. Don't worry, I have an outfit in mind," I said going upstairs. I needed to get dressed; Bella would be here in an hour. I chose a white pair of jeans, some kitten heels, and a shirt dress that came just passed my hips.

"You look lovely," Jasper said coming into my room as I left my bathroom.

"Thank you," I replied, going up to him and hugging him. "You look pretty dashing yourself." I pecked him on the lips. We went downstairs for the party; Edward would be arriving with Bella shortly. The cake was huge, considering only she and I would be able to eat it, the house was decorated as though this was a grand ball that the whole county was coming to. It was dark by the time Edward and Bella arrived.

They looked at a painting of Carlisle with the Voultri as Alice finished something up. I don't know what she had to fix, everything was perfect. Bella was learning about the vampire laws. "What about Asha? Is she held to your laws?" Bella asked. I smiled at her question.

"Not exactly," I said coming to stand beside her. "The only law that my kind has that crosses over with theirs is to keep the secret. Humans don't know my kind exists and it's best that it stays that way. I can pass as human so, it must be that way." I turned and started to leave the room.

"There's something about you that doesn't seem quite human," Bella said.

"Probably has something to do with the fact I've been around for more than a thousand years," I said heading back for the living room as Alice ran to Bella.

"It's time, it's time," she cried. The living room was covered with lit candles and flowers. Music was playing and Bella was standing at the top of the stairs trying not to laugh.

"We tried to reign Alice in," Esme said hugging Bella as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"If that were even possible," Bella said causing the both of them to laugh. Carlisle hugged her next wishing her a happy birthday.

"The cake is huge, you guys don't even eat," Bella said taking note of the cake that was on the piano. Gifts were then handed out, first was a necklace from Rose, then an empty box from Emmett that was a radio for her truck—which he had already installed. The next gift was from Esme and Carlisle and that's when things went south. Bella cut her finger trying to get the wrapping paper off. "Ow! Paper cut," Bella said not even worried about what had just happened. Edward tensed at the same time I flew across the room transforming into a horse-sized wolf and pinning Jasper to the floor before he could lunge at Bella but Edward had already thrown her back into the glass vases.

The smell of blood filled the room and Jasper fought me, trying to get out from under me. "Jasper, relax, hold your breath," I said pushing my voice into his head. Aiden had left the room already with some of the others; Carlisle had gathered Bella and took her to his office to stitch her up. When I felt Jasper relax I took some of my weight off of him. "I'm going to pick you up in my mouth and take you outside. Don't fight me," I said to him. He nodded and I gathered him up.

I went through the open window and went to the river where I could no longer smell Bella's blood and set Jasper down. "You good?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered and I took on my two-legged form again. "Sorry if I scared you."

"That's what I was about to say to you. I kind of just tackled you to the ground and used some of my powers to take over your mind for a moment to get rid of the blood lust."

"You reacted. Don't feel bad about it, things could've ended much worse than they did." We just stood by the river while everyone else did whatever they were doing. "How strong are your jaws?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Curious," he replied.

"They're strong enough to crush diamonds into dust." Just then I heard Bella calling for me. "Pardon me, Bella's calling. You okay here?"

"Yeah, go," Jasper replied.

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