Chapter 9 Another Graduation

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A/N: The picture above is Asha's outfit. A chapter somehow got deleted so sorry for all this mess. I finally got it fixed.

Chapter 9 Another Graduation

It was May and I was graduating from college in less than a year. Rose and Emmett were also graduating but from High School. Thankfully they weren't happening on the same day. Rose and Emmett would be graduating on the 14th and I on the 15th. I actually had completed three majors and five minors in one year. Needless to say, I impressed the school and my family. I just had so much time and a lot of help from my family. "Oh come on! You're graduating at the top of the class with three majors and five minors. You have got to get dressed up for that!" Alice said.

"Alice please just stop," I said exhausted. She had been trying to drag me to dress stores in the mall. If it wasn't for Jasper keeping me calm I would have run all the way home.

"Oh come, you'd look beautiful in this. Jasper help me out," Alice said trying to pull my mate to her side of things.

"Leave me out of this Alice. She already agreed to let you do her hair and makeup. Just let her wear what she wants," Jasper said and I leaned back into him.

"This is a big day, she should look her best," Alice insisted.

"Just stop!" I said a bit louder. "I'll see you at home, I need to run," I said leaving the store that she had us in. In my opinion, the stuff here was way too pricey and it looked awful. I headed to the woods beside the mall and went inside them before talking off at a run. I loved my sister but I wished that she would stop trying to change my style. I hated dresses; I had been forced to wear them for thousands of years. So now that I could wear what I wanted because society would let me I was never going back to skirts, heels, and dresses.

"Ash, wait!" Jasper called. I couldn't stop right now even though I wanted too, I wanted him to hold me but my legs wouldn't stop. I managed to slow down enough to let him catch up. "I'm sorry about that Asha. I don't think she understands, I'm not sure I do either. Would you mind explaining?" Jasper asked. Instead of talking, I showed him, pushing my memories into his mind. "Oh," he said as he realized that I had to wear what I was told for more than 2,000 years, only now could I wear what I wanted.

I continued to run, I knew where I was and we were close to the house. Once there I went straight to my room and closed the door. I just needed to be alone right now. I decided to take a hot bath. I pulled a pair of yoga pants and a tee out along with my underthings.

Jasper's POV

As soon as we came inside Asha went straight to her room. I let her go, I thought it best to leave her be for now. "What happened?" Edward asked. I let him read my mind showing him what happened in the mall and what she had shown me. "Oh, has she explained to Alice?" Edward asked.

"I don't think so. I'm not sure Alice would wait long enough for her to explain when she gets in her shopping/fashion modes." I thought for a moment, "Though I am impressed with her. She wanted to attack in anger but she didn't. She left when Alice kept pushing after she had asked her to stop. She walked out of the mall and once she was out of sight in the woods she ran." Edward sighed as she came through the door.

"Where is she?" Alice asked.

"Leave her alone Alice," I said. She started to object, "Alice, she was ready to strike you. She ran instead when you didn't stop after she asked."

"She wanted to attack me?" Alice asked shocked.

"Yeah. Alice, you have to understand that she has had to wear what she has been told to wear for thousands of years. Now she can wear what she wants. For years she was forced to wear dresses and skirts and heels. She feels trapped when you do that." Alice looked at me in shock, finally realizing what she had done. I could feel that she felt awful about it. "She loves you, Alice, that's why she left," I said trying to make her feel better.

"Just give her some time Alice. Just let her wear what she wants too," Edward said. Just then Asha came down the stairs in a pair of blue skinny jeans, black tank, white sweater, and slightly heeled tan boots. She had a necklace, a pair of earrings, and two bracelets. She looked great.

Alice ran towards her and pulled her into a hug, "I am so sorry. I didn't know you hated dresses that much. I should have listened when you asked me to stop. I'm so sorry Asha," Alice continued but Asha just pulled her into a hug. I smiled as the two embraced each other. Before I knew it graduation had come and gone for Rose, Emmett, and Asha, though this graduation went much better for her than the high school one.

Alice had wanted to throw a huge party for her but she declined saying that she didn't have anyone that would come other than us. She just wanted to hang out with all of us and watch movies. She curled up on my lap on the couch, Bella was there was well. I kept my nose next to her so that I couldn't smell Bella as strongly. I was thinking about her speech. She had such wisdom for one that seemed so young, but then again she was older than me or any of my family. She was older than all of us combined.

I was thinking about one of the quotes from her speech, "The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing," Socrates. 

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