Chapter 18 Prom Prep

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. This is for all those who were asking for an update.

Chapter 18 Prom Prep

Jasper followed me into the woods and watched me hunt. He was surprised I was so selective about my choice in who I hunted. I didn't hunt the young or those with offspring. I chose those that were old and sickly or dying from injuries. After Jasper and I had hunted I took one of the cars from the garage and went shopping, well Esme took me since the record said I was too young to drive. I wanted to surprise Jasper with the dress I chose.

Esme took me to several stores before I found the perfect dress and a white sweater to go with it. Next was the shoes, I could easily wear heels but I was already taller than Jasper so flats would be the better choice. I found some purple chucks, I just fell in love with them and I would be able to stay on my feet all night with them. Esme next took me to the biggest makeup store as I asked questions of how this prom thing worked.

She laughed at some of my questions; she couldn't believe I hadn't been on a date or to any kind of dance before. I had taught myself to dance, that wasn't the problem. I had been unwanted. I was invisible; till now. She was explaining everything to me as she helped me pick out makeup and explained all of it and what it was for.

When we got back home I took a second bath to just pamper myself. Prom was later tonight and I wanted to look perfect for Jasper. I had no clue what he would look like tonight. Rose and Emmett were going together, so were Alice and Aiden, and Bella and Edward. I was in my bathrobe and brushing out and drying my hair when Alice and Rose came in. "Show us the dress," Alice said immediately.

"I thought you'd be watching to see my decision," I replied still dealing with my hair that fell past my hips.

"I did but Rose and Bella didn't see it," Alice said bouncing up and down. Bella was at home getting ready herself. Alice had given her a dress to borrow and she was wearing some chucks as well with a sweater. I knew she would look great.

"Oh come on Alice, I'll see it soon enough. Let's do her hair. I doubt we'll get another chance to do this soon," Rose said coming over to me and she started playing with my hair. It was mostly dry now. "I think a very fancy braid would be nice, don't you Alice?" Rose asked.

"I think that would be lovely Rose," I said smiling at her. I started my makeup as they worked on my hair. Twenty minutes later I didn't recognize myself in the mirror, this beautiful creature was staring back at me. "Wow!" I breathed.

"You'd better get your dress on, Jasper is downstairs waiting for you," Alice said as I just stared at myself. Alice pulled me to my feet and took me to my bed where my dress was laying in its bag. She pulled it out and told me how good I was going to look. She helped me into it and I pulled on my shoes and sweater. "No heels?" Alice asked.

"I'm already 3 inches taller than Jasper, heels aren't the best choice." After I was dressed and ready I went downstairs to have several pictures taken by mom and dad. Jasper was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. He was in a beautiful tux with a flower pinned to it. He slipped a flower on to my wrist.

"You're stunning," he said pulling me closer to him.

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