Chapter 31 The Battle

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A/N: Thanks to all who asked for an update. This is for all of you. This may not be my best but I wanted to get something out for you, I've been on a Twilight bender trying to get this right and get inspiration for this story. I hope you enjoy. We're almost at the fourth movie/book! 

Chapter 31 The Battle

We had a few more training sessions as colder weather set in. I trained more with the wolves as Jasper wouldn't really fight me. He didn't want me in this fight at all. He didn't want to view as a target; look at me like he was hunting me. I didn't look at him that way in training, but I wasn't a predator. "I can fight Jasper!"

"I don't want you in danger," he said trying not to shout. We were in my room, but the rest of the house could hear us. "For the first time I've felt hope, I can't lose you, Ash."

"You aren't going to lose me. This isn't my first battle."

"Your adoption papers say you're 17, Carlisle can tell you to sit out of the fight!"

"You're pretending to be 17, he could tell you the same. We both know I'm older than all of you. I have seen the start of wars and the end of them. I've lived through them. How many have you lived through?" I shouted pushing passed him. I would not lose him in this fight. "I'm standing by my family; I have abilities that they won't know about, that you don't know about."

I walked by the others, "The big bad wolf angry?" Emmet asked. I growled at him, I was pissed that my mate thought I wouldn't be able to defend myself. I was one of the few that could fight in the orphanage. I went on down to La Push, knowing I would be left alone there.

"Hey Mutt, what's up?" Paul asked. It was his nickname for me since I wasn't completely like him. It was an affectionate nickname; most of the pack used it.

"Pissed at my mate at the moment, he wants me to sit out of the fight," I replied.

"Not going to happen," Paul replied. He was the one I had been training with.

"You got that right, want to go for a run, maybe we can pick off some of these newborns if they separated from the group?" I asked.

"You're on," Paul said as we both shifted and ran off into the woods. Our search turned up nothing.

A few days later was the battle, Edward and Bella were up at the campsite with Seth, Jacob would be joining shortly. I could tell Bella had left some of her blood behind to draw the newborns here. I took my place beside Jasper as everyone else stood next to their mate. "I thought you were mad at me?" Jasper said.

"I am, but now is not the time, let's win this first before we deal with that." I could hear them coming and turned my attention to the forest in front of me. I tensed as the ground beneath me seemed to tremble. Within moments about 30 pairs of red eyes ran out of the trees and straight at us. We ran back at them, meeting the challenge. Just pushing our way through, punching them out as the wolves appeared from behind a rock.

Limbs were torn as I set fires to the disfigured and pulled newborns off of my friends and family when they had more than one on them. I lost track of time but knew the fight was short. I had pulled a newborn off of Jasper when he ended up taking on five. When the fight was over Edward and Bella rejoined us, bringing a newborn out of hiding. Leah tried to kill him directly which was her mistake. The newborn had her around the neck and Jake stepped in and ended up getting the right half of his body crushed. I moved before the pack did being the fastest one there and tore the newborn apart.

Bella went straight to Jake as did Edward and Carlisle. Carlisle would take care of him later, right now the Voultri was coming and they weren't likely to take kindly to the werewolves. They weren't going to be pleased that we had spared one newborn, she didn't want to fight, she looked like she was 12, there was no way she any older than 16. Moments after the pack left Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri showed up.

Of course, Aro would let someone else decide, as Victoria had done. What I didn't understand was why she had gone after Bella to get even with Edward. I had killed her mate; she should have been royally pissed at me. But it didn't matter now, she was dead. "Impressive, we've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact," Jane said. "It's not often we're rendered unnecessary."

"We were lucky," Carlisle said to her earlier statement.

"I doubt that," Jane said. I glared at her, what was that supposed to mean? I had earned a few bruises and some cuts but I was fine. My family was alive. Was the Voultri more interested in us now because we could defend ourselves?

"It appears that we missed an entertaining fight," Alec spoke up. Of course, that's what the male warriors would be concerned about, missing the action.

"If you had arrived half an ago you would have fulfilled your purpose," Edward spoke out.

"Pity," Jane said. She then noticed the young girl turned before her time and against her will like so many behind me. "You missed one." I growled at her pushing the girl further behind me as Jasper came to stand closer to us.

"We granted her asylum in exchange for her surrender," Carlisle said.

"That wasn't yours to offer," Jane said before turning her questions back to the newborn. "Why did you come?" When she didn't answer within the second Jane used her power of inflicting pain on her. The girl fell to the ground screaming. "Who created you?"

"You don't need to do that, she'll tell you what you need to know," Esme said.

"I know," Jane said stopping the pain. I growled at her again. I would attack but then I would put my whole family at risk.

"Riley wouldn't tell us, he said our thoughts weren't safe," the girl, Bree said from the ground. She was too afraid to get up.

"Her name was Victoria, perhaps you knew her," Edward said holding Bella close. It wouldn't surprise me. Aro would love to have Alice and Edward Join him. Most of my kind were in another world, away from him, I was dumped here. So those that knew, like him would love to add me to their collection for power or to mount on the wall because I was a threat to them. Not that it mattered; I had to keep the secret just like the other super-naturals. Who would believe I could shapeshift, do some magic and not the stuff you do at kids' parties, and I actually needed to drink blood from time to time and was over 2000 years old. If I said that to a human I would earn myself a padded cell.

"Edward, if the Voultri had knowledge of Victoria they would have stopped her. Isn't that right Jane?" Carlisle asked.

Jane didn't answer right away and no one else did either. She was the leader of this group for all intents and purposes. "Of course," she replied. "Felix." The big male moved forward, he was going to kill Bree.

"She didn't know what she was doing," Esme spoke up and Jane stopped Felix. "We'll take responsibility for her."

"Give her a chance," Carlisle said.

"The Voultri don't give second chances. Keep that in mind, Caius will be interested to know that she's still human," Jane replied.

"The date is set," Bella replied. I had expected Edward to answer. Way to go, Bella, just because they were vampires doesn't mean they can walk all over you.

"Take care of that Felix, I'd like to go home," Jane said. Even though I could fight against the Voultri I would not risk losing my family so Bree didn't get to experience more than a few months of the vampire life.

"Let's go home," I said turning to Jasper and leaning into him. His cold touch felt good against my sore body.

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