Chapter 6 No Scent

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Chapter 6 No Scent

It had been a few weeks since I had graduated and I was still looking at schools. "Can't make up your mind?" Edward asked coming to stand behind me. He placed one hand on the back of my chair, his other hand resting on the table beside me.

I shook my head, "it would help if I knew what I wanted to study," I answered. I had so many interests. I knew I would have the time to study them all; it was just picking which one to study first. I kept looking through all the brochures in front of me and looking at my laptop. I had a list beside me of what I wanted to study and another list of what schools were close to here.

Jasper's POV

Asha was currently sitting at the dining room table with her new laptop and brochures all over the table. She was tapping the top of her pen on her notebook as she looked at everything in front of her. She was trying to decide where to go. Since I had first seen her when I started high school again I had felt drawn to her. At the time I was still with Alice so I ignored that feeling like she would make me complete. The following summer Aiden had turned up. Alice had told me of the vision she had had months before he turned up but I still struggled with it. Asha had come to me when the other students had steered clear. At that time I needed someone to talk too, and there she was.

In school most of the students stayed away from my family and I. They sensed something they weren't aware of, Asha however knew but never felt or showed fear. As I watched her I thought about the vision Alice had of a girl with dark brown hair that fell to her hips. She had told me that I would meet my mate in a new family member.

It wasn't much of a clue, but this girl, this child drew me to her as though she were a magnet. Though I had noticed the pain from losing Alice was almost gone when I was with her. She never asked about the scars on my arms or looked at me with pity because of them. She had never even asked for my story even though she had told us hers.

"Out of all these topics, what's your favorite?" I heard Edward ask her, he was pointing at one of her lists using the hand that was on the back of her chair. Seeing him so close to her made me jealous. But what reason did I have to be jealous? I barely knew her, she barely knew me. She hummed thinking.

"Writing, and the arts," she answered. I had read her report on the civil war and you would have sworn that she was there. I knew she was alive at that time, but I didn't see how she would have done any fighting. She would have been about 12 at the time. "There's a school in Seattle that has an excellent art program."

"If that's where you want to go, then go," Edward said. She pulled her computer towards her and very quickly filled out the application. She then went into the kitchen.

Asha's POV

I went into the kitchen to make some lunch for myself. Esme was out hunting and she usually cooked for me. I felt Jasper come in behind me as I danced with my headphones in my ears singing at the top of my lungs. I finished my song before pulling out my headphones, "what's up Jazz?" I asked sticking the earbuds in my jeans pocket.

"Not much," he replied as I cut strips of chicken and vegetables. I accidentally nicked my finger and I quickly put it in my mouth. I used my speed to get the knife over to the sink and ran water on it while I ran for the bleach. In about three seconds I had the blood cleaned up and the rag I had used to clean the counter in the washer with some other towels. After I healed my finger thanks to my magic I went back to the kitchen to finish cooking.

"I'm sorry about that," I said coming back to the counter, Jasper hadn't moved.

"What happened?" he asked. I froze for a moment in shock, didn't he smell my blood?

"I cut my finger," I said looking at him, trying to read him. I knew he was new to the vegetarian diet he and his family subscribed to, so he must have smelled my blood.

"I didn't smell any blood," he said confused. I leaned back against the counter facing him. There were legends that creatures like me, their blood wouldn't have a scent.

"Does my blood have a scent to you or anyone else in the family?" I asked.

"Not to me," Jasper said.

Edward appeared in the room out of nowhere, "Nor to the rest of us," he said. So the legend that your mate couldn't smell your blood wasn't completely true if he was my mate that is. Well, at least I didn't cause them any pain. I put my headphones back in and went back to cooking as I sang. After lunch, I went outside with a book to read on the porch that wrapped around the whole house. It was sunny outside today so the Cullens went hunting and I read, soaking up the sun before it could disappear behind the clouds again.

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