Chapter 34 Birth

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A/N: the picture above is the ring Jasper gave Asha.

More weeks passed and the human blood was making Bella stronger. Thankfully, Carlisle had quite the store of it set aside. Soon though the human blood would run out and we didn't know when she would deliver. I knew Carlisle would have to go across pack lines to get to the hospital to get more. I had had been talking to Jake to make a plan to get them out.

Edward was back on board with the whole thing since he had heard the baby's thoughts. Bella was convinced the baby was a boy. She was already deciding names; EJ for a boy, Edward Jacob, and Renesme for a girl. Jake had been hanging around a lot lately, especially around Bella. He helped keep her warm as she went from cold to hot and hot to cold all the time. He and Edward were always switching, keeping her comfortable.

The other family members hung around me most days, not wanting to deal with the stress that was going on. I told the family as soon as the baby was out of Bella they would have to transform her. That was all I was certain of on human hybrid births. I had heard of them, never seen one. 

Sam considered me an enemy at the moment as I helped Jake guard Bella along with Seth and Leah. Sam wanted to kill Bella now and the unborn child before it could present a threat to humans. I could hear Jake's thoughts when in wolf form and he could hear mine. "You think Bella is going to survive this?" Jasper asked.

"Yes," I replied as Carlisle walked into the room.

"This is the last of it, Bella could deliver as soon as tomorrow. I have to go and get some more."

"You can't go alone dad, Sam sees you as the enemy now. He will come after you," I said.

"Emmet will be coming with us," mom replied.

"I'll talk to Jake," I said leaving the room. I made plans with Jake to have Carlisle leave tonight under cover of darkness. Once Carlisle left to get more blood I patrolled outside, keeping an eye on things. It wasn't long before Jake went in to check on Bella, he hadn't been able to leave her alone these past weeks. About ten minutes later I heard Bella screaming.

She had gone into labor and Carlisle had yet to come back. Fantastic. I went back inside and helped move Bella to the small surgery area that was set up in the house.  Rose and Alice both came to help, Jasper stayed away with Aiden, both of them not wanting to hurt Bella. Even though both were fed, they were still worried that they wouldn't be able to control themselves.

Alice was on the phone with dad trying to figure out what to do and what had happened. Bella was screaming at us to get her child out of her. As soon as Rose cut into her she began to lose control and Alice escorted her out of the room. Jake and Edward continued to work on getting the baby out as I looked out the window. If Sam attacked, I had to be ready, I knew the others were watching; waiting for a reason to attack.

After a few moments, Bella fell silent and Edward pulled out a baby, "It's Renesme," he announced. 

He handed her to Bella, I could hear Bella's heart slow. "Transform her now Edward." I took the baby from Bella as she bit her mother.

"Bella?" Jake asked starting to shake her. He started CPR as Edward pushed a syringe full of his venom into her heart. "What's that?" Jake asked.

"My venom," Edward replied.  "Jake, as the next chief, as leader of the packer, do I have your permission to save her? To transform her?"

"Do it," Jake said. Edward proceeded to bite Bella several times and lick the wounds so they would seal. "Is she going to make it?" Jake asked.

"She'll be fine, her heart still beats," I replied. I heard paws running towards us, "Jake, take Renesme to Rose," I said pushing the baby into his hands. I rushed outside to see the wolves fighting with Jasper, Alice, Aiden, Edward, Seth, and Leah. Jasper was pinned under Paul. I growled and slammed my head into Paul's side knocking him over.

"Paws off my mate," I growled. Suddenly Carlisle, Esme, and Emmet appeared on scene taking Jared off of Alice. Jake shoved his way through us and stood in front of Sam.

"Stop, it's over. You kill her, you kill me." Sam lunged at him and Jake transformed and growled at him. They were talking to each other.

"Jacob imprinted," Edward said as the two alphas continued to growl at each other. "They can't hurt her. It's their most absolute law." Sam's pack turned and left. I sighed, we were safe for now. Jake turned to look at us. Now, all we could do was wait for Bella to wake up.

Family A Jasper Love StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora