Chapter 8 Familiar

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Chapter 8 Familiar

Another month of school had gone by and Edward and Bella were now officially a couple. Jasper had taken me out to lunch since Bella was coming over and he didn't want to hurt her. He took me to a restaurant in Seattle. I ordered what I wanted and told the waiter that I would share with Jasper to keep them from asking questions. The poor girl kept trying to hit on Jasper but it seemed he didn't notice. As soon as the waiter left Jasper asked, "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," I answered taking a sip of my tea.

"You seem familiar to me. Have I met you before I came to this school?"

"Yeah, you have," I said as my order of the tour de Italy was placed in front of me. I thanked the waiter and waited for her to leave before turning back to Jasper. "The colony that you evacuated before you ran into Maria, I was there. I was with a foster family at the time. After that, I was sent back to the orphanage. I never got to thank you for getting me out before the raids came. I tried to find you before I left, but I couldn't find you."

"Well then ma'am you are most welcome," he said smiling and his southern accent coming through quite strongly.

"Thank you, good sir," I replied smiling remembering when he took my box from me at the orphanage. He too returned the smile and it was the biggest smile I had seen grace his face since I had seen him. I turned to my meal and ate a few bites just enjoying his company and the good food.

"I believe you are my mate," he said causing me to look up at him. "I'm happier than I ever have been when I'm with you." I smiled at him, so he did feel the same. "So do I need to make the first move?" he asked.

"Honestly I have no idea, that's what I've read. Since I didn't grow up with someone to teach me the customs of my kind and I feel the same about you, why don't we just call this the first move on your part?" I saw him smile then suddenly he looked worried.

"And in public, you look like you're 13."

"In the house, with just the family we'll act like a couple, in public, brother, and sister. But that act won't last forever, I will age until I'm about 30 and then I will be an immortal," I answered his concerns. I didn't want him to get into trouble for dating me, on paper he was my brother and to the humans I was only 13, soon to be fourteen. If we went public he would get thrown in jail and that would have disastrous consequences.

"Thank you," he said reaching for my hand which I took. "So how is college life?" he asked.

I smiled, "probably a lot easier than it should be, considering I'm taking 16 classes this semester." He laughed. The rest of lunch was very pleasant and I had a few good laughs, something I needed. There were some things I was still trying to deal with, and I needed a break from thinking about them. When we got home he watched me work on an art project. I was painting everyone in the living room.

"That is really good; did you sketch that before you started painting?" I shook my head, completely focused on my work. "You mean it's completely freehand?" he asked shocked. I nodded. He continued to watch me paint for the rest of the afternoon.

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