Chapter 13 Ball Game

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. I've been dealing with stuff and been busy. Hope you like the chapter. Should James also go after Asha? Yes or no? Let me know in the comments!

Chapter 13 Ball Game

"Would you have really beaten him senseless? Emmett asked as I jogged around the property. We had been back a week and I was still annoyed with Jasper. It was easy to forget I was as old as I was when I looked fourteen.

"What do you think Emmett?" I asked picking up speed. I wanted to be left alone. He would be able to keep me in his sights and stay a few feet behind me but at the speed, I was going he wouldn't be able to stay beside me. Jasper was trying to make up for disappearing and turning off his phone, he wouldn't tell me what he was doing. He was surprised that I was able to track him by scent in a place with so many humans.

I relied on all my senses, especially scent. I stopped at the river, knowing it was the border between the Cullens and the pack and I had to be in my other form or invited to cross. That was the deal I had with the pack leader, Sam. I turned back to the house; there was a baseball game tonight. I was going to show those boys I could play with the best of them.

~Time Skip~

I was out on the ball field with everyone else waiting for Edward to bring Bella and clouds were gathering and growing darker. A storm was coming, the only time vampires could play. I hadn't played baseball before; no one had ever let me before. This was going to be fun; Carlisle had given me one of his baseball jerseys and explained to me how the game worked. I turned at the sound of Emmett's jeep. Edward had to use it to get up here, the terrain was rough. I would have preferred a horse to the vehicle but I walked up here.

"I'm glad you're here Bella, we need an umpire," Esme said pulling her close.

"Oh, cheat do we?" I asked.

"She thinks we do," Emmett said.

"I know you cheat," Esme replied. Emmett, Edward, Alice, and I went to the field. Esme was our catcher. Jasper, Rose, Aiden, and Carlisle went up to bat first. "Call them as you see them, Bella."

"All right," Bella replied as I took my place out by third base, Edward was in the outfield and, Emmett by first base. Carlisle was up first and his ball was almost caught by Edward and Emmet who collided with each other in midair. Rose was next and Bella called her out. Jasper was next and Emmet caught his ball. Before anyone could bat again Alice called our game to a stop and I could smell them. The other vampires that had been in town causing the 'animal attacks'. The whole group moved to surround Bella.

It was too late to get her out of here, we had to hope that the wind stayed in our favor and they didn't notice her scent. There were three of them, an African American male with a Jamaican accent, a girl with red hair that looked as though she stuck her finger in a socket and she seemed incredibly childlike, the third was a blonde male that seemed very dangerous. I just wanted to get away from him, right now.

They stopped in front of us and held up our baseball. "I believe this belongs to you," the one with dark skin said. He threw it and Carlisle caught it.

"Thank you," Carlisle thanked giving me the ball.

"I am Laurent, and this is Victora and James," the same one introduced.

"I'm Carlisle, this is my family," Carlisle replied not drawing any attention to any of us.

"Hello," Laurent greeted.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused a bit of a mess for us," Carlisle said.

"Our apologizes, we had no idea that the territory had been claimed," Laurent said looking to James who was having a staring contest with Edward. I tried to send Edward a message to stop, that this was going to start something that was going to end badly but he didn't seem to be listening.

"Yes well, we maintain a permeant residence nearby," Carlisle explained. I was getting annoyed with this whole thing. The shifters commonly killed any who trespassed on their territory and I knew we were trying to get this lot to leave peacefully, but I wanted them gone now.

"Really?" Laurent asked shocked looking at his companions. "Well, we won't be a problem anymore; we were just passing through, though would you have room for a few more players?"

"Sure, a few of us were just leaving, you can take their place. We'll bat first," Carlisle said throwing the ball to Laurent but the redhead caught it.

"I'm the one with the wicked curveball," she said as though she was taunting us.

"Oh I think we can handle that," Jasper replied. Almost everyone laughed. I tried not to growl as I started to turn away.

"We shall see," the redhead said. James stayed where he was as the rest of his group moved and so did Edward and Bella. I pushed my body into Edward's to try to get him to move before James realized something was up. Just as James started to move the wind changed and he picked up on Bella's scent.

"A human?" he asked. Everybody jumped in front of Bella as she was pushed to the back of the family. The other coven moved to attack even though they were outnumbered. I moved to stand beside Bella, if things came to the worst I could carry her out of there and outrun all the vampires.

"The girl is with us. I think it best if you leave," Carlisle said.

James just kept looking at Bella and I moved to stand in front of her, that way I could easily pull her on my back and take off. "I can see the game is over, we'll go now. James," Laurent said calling James off. They left if somewhat reluctantly.

"Get Bella out of here, go now. Take Asha with you," Carlisle said pushing on Edward. I pulled Bella onto my back and ran back to the jeep. Edward was hot on my heels. We had to get out of here. The joys of going on the run.

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