Chapter 14 Phoenix

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A/N: The picture above is Asha in her wolf form.

Sorry for all the mistakes, I was tired when I typed this. I think I got everything fixed now.

Chapter 14 Phoenix

I went into Bella's house with her; I was going to help her be able to leave her house. "Edward, I said leave me alone."

"Bella don't do this," Edward said standing on the front stoop.

"It's over, GET OUT!" Bella shouted slamming the door in his face. Bella started up the stairs pulling me with her.

"Bella, what's going on?" Charlie asked coming up after her.

"I need to get out of here, I'm leaving, now," Bella's said slamming her bedroom door in her dad's face. Edward was already in her room and packing some of her clothes. I grabbed a bag and went back out pushing past her dad to get her stuff out of the bathroom. A few moments later she joined me and got a few things out of the cupboards and threw them in the bag.

"I thought you liked him," her dad called as she headed back for her room.

"Yeah, that's why I have to leave. I don't want this, I have to go home."

"Home, your mother's not even in Phoenix."

"She'll come home, I'll call her from the road," Bella said as she and I grabbed her bags.

"You're not going to drive home right now. You can sleep on it. If you still feel like going in the morning I'll drive you to the airport," Charlie said trying to be a good father.

"No, I want to drive it'll give me time to think. If I get really tired I'll pull into a hotel I promise," Bella said.

"I'll go with her. We'll drive in shifts when she's with her mother I'll get a plane back," I said.

"Aren't you too young to drive?"

"I have a license," I said. "Bella, I'll go put these in the back of the truck," I said taking her bags. I went out to the truck and put her bags in and I turned. James was just across the street. I wasn't sure which family member to tell, Edward would come in guns a-blazing. Bella joined me a few minutes later and got in the truck and I climbed in as well. She drove down the road and she was upset. "He'll forgive you," I said knowing she had to hurt her father to leave.

Just at that moment, Edward slammed into the car scaring her, "Your father's going to forgive you." He just hung on the door for a moment, "Why don't you let me drive?" he asked. Bella started to move over as he opened the door. Edward slid in and took the wheel.

"He won't. I said the same thing to him that my mom said to him when she was leaving him," Just then Emmett landed in the back of the truck and scared Bella.

"That's just Emmett, your father's safe, the tracker's following us," Edward said.

"Is Asha coming with me?" Bella asked.

"Yes, the tracker may be after her too. Asha, what is your other form and you can control the size right?" Edward asked.

"Yes, I can and a wolf. You're not going to put me on a plane are you?" I asked.

"No. Just keep Bella safe," Edward said.

"Of course," I replied. We got back to the Cullen's garage and everyone was running around and talking, about killing Victoria, about killing James, about getting Bella out of town.

"I'm going to take Bella and Asha south; can you lead the tracker away from here?" Edward asked.

"No Edward, James knows you never leave Bella, he'll follow you," Carlisle said.

"I'll take her," Alice said.

"I wish I could help you dear, but I don't want to hurt Bella," Aiden said looking up at his mate.

"I'll go," I said.

"You need one more to be safe. I'll come with you," Jasper said coming to me.

"Give me two minutes and I'll be back," I said using my speed to go and pack and get a dog collar and a leash. I put my bag in the trunk of the car and took on my wolf form handing Jasper my leash and collar.

"You want me to put these on?" he asked. I nodded and he hooked them on and I hopped in the back with Bella. Time to drive to Phoenix.

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