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          "Do you know how to snap?" Hanji questioned, holding (Y/n)'s hands hopefully.  The girl slowly nodded and took her hands back, snapping her fingers. 
Levi and Erwin sat to the side, watching the little 'experiments' Hanji was going through with the girl. 
Erwin was leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, smiling in an interested sense, while Levi was leaned back in his seat, arms crossed and one leg over the other, looking at anything but the women in front of him. 
"Once more." Hanji instructed.
  (Y/n) glanced at her before snapping her fingers again, little sparks appearing at her fingertips.  Hanji gasped and laughed, writing down the event immediately. (Y/n)'s eyes brightened at the sound of Hanji's happiness, smiling at the spectacled girl slightly. 
Erwin chuckled gently, standing next to the girl and ruffling her hair.
"Good job (Y/n)."
The (h/c) haired girl looked up at him and blushed lightly, nodding.  Levi 'tch'ed of course, finally paying attention to the group. 
"It was a simple reaction."
"Can you clap for me (Y/n)?" Hanji asked excitedly, so suddenly that the girl  immediately reacted and clapped her hands together quickly, ignoring Erwin's hand on her shoulder. 
Erwin grunted as the other three looked at him, the tips of the man's blond hair singed but completely sticking upwards. 
Hanji gasped and held a hand over her mouth to suppress her laughs, Levi smirking but also on the verge of laughter, while (Y/n) stood and ran out of the room. 
"Levi go follow her." Erwin growled, glaring at Hanji. 
Before the raven-haired man could even stand, (Y/n) came back into the room with a glass of water. 
She pushed Erwin into the chair she'd occupied previously, before dipping her fingers into the water and beginning to slick back the blonds' hair.   Erwin glanced back at her before smiling with a small chuckle. 
"This isn't necessary (Y/n)."
(Y/n) responded by shaking her head and flicking water into Erwin's face. 
Laughter suddenly erupted throughout the room, Erwin looking at Hanji with a glare, but who was not laughing.  Instead of laughing, the ponytailed woman was looking behind the two in shock. 
Erwin turned quickly, looking at the Corporal who was hunched over himself, laughter racking his body. 
Levi sat up slightly, a broad, toothy smile showing through his usually stoic and cruel expression. 
Hanji and Erwin gaped in shock, though (Y/n) was smiling almost the same as the Corporal. 
When Levi noticed he then had an audience, his smile immediately dropped, clearing his throat and leaning back in his seat once more. 
"What're you idiots looking at?" He grumbled, Erwin chuckling both nervously and in shock. 
"My god (Y/n), you broke him!" He laughed, (Y/n) smiling bigger, feeling accomplished. 

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now