A new friend

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"Ready?" Erwin called to you as you gave a thumbs up from where you stood in the field, closing your eyes.
You smiled at the gentle thoughts that passed through your mind, glad that you possessed more happy memories to help you transform. Once again you thought about the teddy bear Erwin gave you, and the first day you met Levi, but now Eren, Petra and your other friends filled your mind as well, and the day of your first kiss, as well as your first time.
Within minutes the familiar pounding of footsteps entered your ears, along with the clinking of 3DMG gear. You opened your eyes, smiling mentally at the amazed stares of your students. "Come on down!" Erwin called out as you checked around you for students before sitting on the ground with a loud 'THUD', watching the kids and Erwin shake at the movement of the ground.
You motioned your hands towards yourself, placing your hands on the ground with palms up as the students gently and carefully started to climb onto your large body. Some girls and a couple boys ventured up to your head, where they jumped and hovered with strands of your now much longer hair, beginning a braid. Everick and his friends sat on your ears, chatting amongst themselves as your appendages wiggled slightly and almost caused the boys to fall off.
You felt a tickle on your chin, crossing your eyes to see the shy boy from earlier getting onto your slightly pointed nose. He smiled, his blue-jay navy eyes sparkling in interest. "I-I'm Marvel by the way, since I figured you didn't know." He chuckled shyly as his shaggy red hair swayed in the breeze. You nodded ever so slightly so you wouldn't knock anyone off your body, making a little sound of understanding.
"I-I figured this would be a good time to talk, since you're not really busy, a-and everyone is too busy to notice me anyway." You hummed sweetly at the boy who sighed deeply.
"You're dating Corporal Levi, right miss?" You gave a little twitch of your nose in response. "I'll take that as a yes." Marvel chuckled, smiling shyly. "W-well I like this person, I'd rather not say who, but is it okay if we talk after class today so I can get some advice?" You cooed out a noise gently as Marvel smiled, hugging the bridge of your nose gratefully. "Thank you!" He said brightly before sliding off your head along with the other students, Erwin smiled.
"Great work (Y/n), but it's time to come out." He said as you nodded, waving to the students as your vision went black.

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now