Morning After

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Groggily opening up your eyes, you immediately feel the comforting warmth of your boyfriend next to you. A smile crept onto your lips slightly, blushing deeply as you remembered the previous nights' events.
You blushed more after realizing that you and Levi were both still bare naked, being able to feel his, ahem, lower empowerment pressed against your back. You absentmindedly pulled the sheets up more over your bare chest, eyes widening a tad once your body was pulled even closer to the figure behind you. Your eyes glanced back to the man holding you lovingly, his steely-grey orbs staring half-lidded back at you.
"Mm, morning..." He mumbled, his morning voice sending tingles through your body. "Good morning Levi..." Was your simple greeting back, his lips pressing to your shoulder.
He smirked slightly, you assumed, after he realized you both were nude, now knowing that your previous activities weren't a simple day dream. Levi hummed deeply, his roughly calloused fingers moving over your hips ever so slowly.
"Last night was fun..." He mumbled, his smirk still present as his lips hovered by your ear teasingly.
"I bet this morning could be fun too..." He trailed off, kissing your already love-bitten neck. You chuckled nervously, moving and instantly regretting it as your thighs and hips ached in protest.
"What's wrong?" Levi immediately stopped, his still tired voice laced with concern. "You were too rough..." You pouted, blushing as he chuckled. "So you didn't enjoy it?" He teased, his hands rubbing soothing circles into your bruised and pained thighs. "I mean...yes..." You grumbled again, smiling at the soft laugh that sounded behind you. "Hmm...we'll have more times like this my dear, don't worry."
You turned in his arms slowly, as not to pain yourself further, finally getting a good look at the man who loved you so dearly.
His raven hair was still mussed up and slightly sweaty, little baby hairs sticking to his forehead, contrasted against his shaded skin; his steely but calm eyes stared at you so full of admiration but tinted with lust still, with his sheets pulled down only to cover his hips and below, letting you reflect upon his chiselled abdomen and the V-line just above his hips.
"I love you." Slipped past your lips, a smile making its way back onto your cheeks. Levi chuckled, gently pressing his own lips to your forehead. "I love you too sweetheart."

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