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"(Y/n)? Are you okay?"
You heaved a sigh as you sat next to Hanji in the mess hall, all of Levi's squad, plus Hanji and Levi himself watching your stiff moves with concern.
"O-oh yeah! I just, pushed the horse too far yesterday and the saddle made my legs sore." You lied with a sheepish smile, Erd and Gunther giggling to themselves. "What're you two brats snickering about?" Levi grumbled, his usual monotone persona back into view among his comrades. "Oh we were just thinking." Erd snickered, glancing at Gunther.
"About? Get to the point you bumbling idiots..." Levi muttered in irritation, sipping his tea.
"(Y/n) doesn't have a horse." Gunther said, quite smugly in your opinion. Levi choked on his tea, meanwhile your face simply burst into a beautiful tomato red colour, while the rest of the table went silent. "I don't-" Hanji mumbled before gasping, slamming her hands onto the table as she stood, her head whipping to the side to look at Levi. "You didn't!" She squealed, the entire hall now looking at the commotion from your table.
"Sit down four-eyes you're gathering attention!" Levi hissed after finally swallowing his tea.
"Wait I still don't understand." Petra said confused, looking around at her friends before Oluo swung an arm around her shoulder with a shit-eating grin, whispering in her ear as her cheeks got more pink with each word. "Corporal Levi!" She squeaked as the other three men howled with laughter. "Y-you used protection, right?" Petra asked very softly, looking at you and Levi.
You quickly shot a nervous look to the man, who simply shrugged off the question. "Of course we did." He mumbled into his tea cup as he sipped gain.
You and Petra both let out a relieved sigh, chuckling in unison at your in-sync actions. "I guess we should get ready for our expedition." Hanji sighed and stood, stretching excitedly as her joints cracked satisfyingly. You looked at Levi who just nodded reassuringly at you and stood, letting you follow him out of the mess hall.
"I'm going to miss you so much..." You sniffled, your hands gripping Levi's elbows as his fingers cupped your face and laced through your hair slightly.
Normally he would have said his goodbyes to you in private, so his teammates wouldn't see him in such a vulnerable and icky state, but he'd make an exception for this time, seeing as he might not come back.
"Two weeks time, just spend it with Erwin and the cadets your teaching, and I'll be back soon." You nodded, your gaze still at your feet.
Your head was tilted up to look into the eyes of your boyfriend. "When I get back I expect to have lots of fun like last night." He grinned as you shoved him lightly, your cheeks pink as you chuckled. "Come here..." He sighed, his arms wrapping around you tightly as you hid yourself in his chest.
"Levi!" Erwin called, interrupting your moment. You both turned, looking at the Commander who smiled solemnly. "Let's go, wouldn't want to keep everyone waiting." He said softly. Levi nodded and turned to you again, staring at you for a millisecond before connecting your lips lovingly. Unfortunately it only lasted a few seconds, a breathy 'I love you' rolling off his tongue before he was forced to turn on his heel and march over to his squad.
It both surprised and frightened you that none of them said anything, or even giggled like small children listening to their mothers or fathers read out their favourite book where the main characters kiss. No witty jokes or cracked smiles, only steely-eyed looks and firm nods in your direction.
You quickly walked over to Erwin as they mounted their horses, Levi looked at the Commander firmly. "Take care of her." He said simply, pulling on the reigns of his stallion slightly as he led his squad out of the gates.

Here's a new chapter and explanation. Shit happens, and what happened this time is that someone very dear to me was killed in a car wreck, so there's your explanation for not writing. I know I sound like an ass but honestly I ask you guys to be patient and even then I'm getting bombarded with 'omg please update!' Comments every other day. Calm down please I have other stuff happening in my life. Sorry for the rant.

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now