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You stood in the field away from the group of people, about 100 yards away ((That's 300 feet for all my American readers)), looking at them patiently.
You could vaguely see Levi cup his hands around his mouth.
"When you're ready cadet!" He shouted. You nodded and closed your eyes.
You thought about the day Erwin gave you your teddy bear, and the once sleepless nights turned peaceful dreams thanks to the countless sleepovers with Levi.
You smiled, soon hearing people running towards you. The footsteps sounded small, but the sound of their breathing seemed to pound in your ears.
You finally opened your eyes, looking forward and expecting to see your friends, only to be surprised that your friends were now ant sized.
"Cadet! Can you hear me?" You heard Levi call.
He was holding back a smile for the fact that the thought of him helped bring out your power, even though everyone around him was smiling and laughing in astonishment.
You kneeled and placed your hands in front of you, leaning yourself down until you were face-to-face with Levi, eyes big.
"Holy shit..." He mumbled, finally smiling after a moment. If you in titan form didn't amaze the squad around him, you making the Corporal smile certainly did.
"Can you understand me cadet?" He questioned as you nodded.
"Great. You know how to move so..." He said softly.
"Stand up. Try things out, let's see what you can do." You nodded and stood slowly, making sure not to squish anyone. You looked around, unsure of what to try out.
"Kirstchein, throw a rock at her."
"Throw a rock at her, that's an order."
Jean looked at the Captain in shock, finding the biggest rock that he could lift, spinning a couple times for momentum before chucking the object at you.
It hit you in the shin, hard, making you screech in unprecedented pain.
"I'd move cadet." Levi said calmly as Jean ran from his spot, a bolt of lightning striking the ground violently where he'd previously stood.
"Excellent work (Y/n)!" He called up to you, shooting his 3DMG wires into your back reluctantly, which was somehow less painful than the rock hitting you, the short man standing on your shoulder.
"I'm going to cut you out now okay? Don't worry."
You gave a short nod, slightly confused before black swarmed your vision.

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now