It's really happening

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"Y-You're serious?  It's actually happening this time?  No troubles?" 
Levi grinned at you, holding your hands tightly.  You laughed lightly and nodded, smiling.
"Nearly three months, it's happening this time." 
After a year of trying, plus a miscarriage and a faulty-positive test, you were finally pregnant again. 
Levi laughed in excitement, lifting you and spinning you around happily.  "It's happening, oh my god.  I'm gonna be a dad!"  Levi yelled and whooped with pride.  He grinned widely at you, showing off all his teeth.  He looked younger, now that he had a fresh shave and haircut, it was like he was 34 again.  You felt younger too, looking at your husband of two years and sensing the second heartbeat inside you, it was like you were meeting Levi for the first time, or experiencing a first kiss.  You felt happy, an emotion that had barely left your body since the world became free again. 
In a splurge of confidence you moved forward, holding Levi's hands and kissing him happily.  He chuckled and kissed back, grinning.  "Keep that up and we'll end up with twins." He winked as you hit his chest teasingly, smiling.
"What should we name them?" "Credence for a boy and Verity for a girl." Levi replied as he stood by the lake with you, holding you from behind and gently rubbing your stomach. 
"Why those names?"  You chuckled at his oddity, glancing up at him, watching him shrug.
"They have a nice ring to them.  Credence and Verity Ackerman." Levi grinned proudly, kissing your cheek.  "Hmm, I like that too, it sounds nice."  You smiled, leaning back into him.

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now