Pushed back

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"Shit, shit, SHIT!" Levi snapped, running his hands through his hair angrily. "Where were the people watching them?!" He growled at Erwin, who was trying to comfort a crying Hanji.
Erwin stood as you took his place next to Hanji, taking her hand and staying quiet. She sniffled, looking over at you quietly. You smiled sweetly, earning a small smile back. "Maybe they're human where they are now, right? They're better off with each other." You said gently. Hanji nodded and stood, rubbing her eyes; her hair was messier than usual.
"I'm pushing the expedition back a week, we'll continue this discussion in the morning." Erwin sighed as Levi rubbed his face slightly, glancing at you as you walked over to him. You took his hand, smiling reassuringly. "Let's go get some sleep." You said gently, pulling him along as you walked back to the dorm.
You poured out the now cold tea once you returned, leaning against the doorway and watching Levi, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding his head in his hands. "Everything's gonna be okay Levi." You said gently, moving into the room and sitting behind him, massaging his shoulders. He sighed deeply and leaned back slightly, giving you more access.
"I'm going to be loaded with paperwork...you'll be sleeping alone for a while." He said softly, glancing back at you slightly. "You're going to be fine, don't worry." You say gently, kissing his head. "You're humanities strongest soldier, I believe in you. A little paperwork isn't going to be what brings you down."
Levi nodded, turning more so he faced you a bit. "How did I get so lucky?" He smiled slightly, you returning the smile. "I could say the same, now let's get some sleep." You said gently and laid down.
Levi laid next to you, kissing your forehead and lacing your fingers together, quickly drifting to sleep.

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now