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          You sat with Levi at a table in the mess hall a couple weeks later, drinking from your cup like he did: holding the top of it.  You suddenly looked at him, eyes big.
Erwin nearly spit out his drink while everyone else looked at you shocked.  Levi sighed, unphased and looked at you.
"What is it?"
You wiggled a bit and he immediately understood. 
"Hanji take (Y/n) to the bathrooms would you."
Hanji looked at him curiously before nodding and leading you away.
"Levi-san~" Erd mimicked as him and Gunther giggled like school girls.
"Shut up brats." Levi growled as Erwin snickered along.
"So she talks to you huh?"
"She only ever calls me that stupid name, otherwise I've had to learn her expressions." Levi somewhat lied.
Erwin nodded.
"But surely she doesn't need help in the bathroom?"
Levi sighed, annoyed.
"Of course not you dingus she's a grown woman, but ever since I told her she has to tell me where she's going at all times, including the bathroom, she feels she needs me there whenever she goes."
"You go into the bathroom with her? Tsk." Oluo said disgusted.  "Of course I don't brat." Levi hissed.
"I stand outside the door until she's done..." He grumbled.
"Oh Levi-san you're my hero!"
"Levi-san please shower with me!"
Erd and Gunther howled with laughter, laying on the floor in pain once you and Hanji returned.
"What happened?"
Levi sipped his tea casually.
"They were pissing me off."

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now