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Some years later...

You couldn't believe it. After all these agonizing years you were free, everyone, all of you...
Were free.
And after so many years of forgetting, tears, wishing, begging and gripping onto hope, you'd get to see him again.
How many years had it been?
You'd lost track of the days after year one.
But now he'd return, and you were all so ready to experience the world.
The outside world.
It was terrifying, heart stopping even.
Maybe you could go camping, rock climbing even and maybe-
Maybe you'd get to the ocean.
That was the big idea wasn't it? For most of you, the dream, being able to feel salty waters lap at your feet, maybe standing next to a lover, maybe a friend. How could water be salty, you wondered?
Maybe there were capsules under the sea that exploded.
If that were the case, you imagined, maybe salt wouldn't be so expensive. That didn't matter to you much. If the ocean were sweet instead of salty, you would drink all the waters on the Earth.
There can't be that much, can there?
It would be so wonderful, going out and breathing exotic air, any air but the nasty stuff inside the walls that was polluted with oil and manure and smoke. You'd have nothing to fear, not even bears or other big predators, because nothing could be as cruel and horrific as those...things.
You were in such shock, a happy ecstasy that you couldn't even remember what those beasts were called.
Such a beautiful word, now that you think about it. You were scared, but you'd been informed he was alive. Banged up, but alive.
Maybe you could have a baby now, and maybe he was right.
Maybe it would be a girl, who was exactly like you.
But maybe it would be a boy, just like his father.
You pondered, and came to the conclusion that you'd be fine with either, as long as they had their father's eyes and your smile.
Wouldn't that be wonderful, you thought.

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now