True Love

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"Levi where are we going?" You questioned as you sat on the back of his horse, arms tightly around his waist and blindfold hiding your eyes.
You had to admit, it was hard to stay mad at him when you could feel every detail of his chest and abdomen through his dress shirt.
"Somewhere special. Maybe if you stopped feeling me up so much we would get there faster." You swore you could hear his grin as you slapped his chest, blushing darkly and pulling back your hands slightly.

           Roughly ten more minutes passed, the horse slowing down gently as you felt Levi slip off. "Alright, hold out your arms, I'll help you down." You did as told, Levi's strong hands gripping your waist as he hoisted you off the mammal.
"Can I take this damned blindfold off now?"
"I want a kiss first."
"You earn kisses, not demand them." Now it was your time to grin, Levi huffing like a child as he slipped the blindfold off. You looked around confused, the field you were in looking vaguely familiar. The various types of flowers that were around, most you knew weren't supposed to be in bloom yet but somehow were, the pond in the middle-
"Flower crowns!" You gasped, looking up at Levi. "This is where I made you and Erwin those crowns all that time ago!" You smiled as Levi nodded, holding your hips smugly. "Have I earned that kiss yet?" He smirked as you shoved his chest lightly.
"Depends, what are we doing in this place today?"
"I thought we could have a picnic."
"Ah, more burnt pancakes I hope." You teased as you pulled away from your now pouting boyfriend, somewhat adventuring the small field. You walked to the pond, kneeling down my the water and admiring the little tadpoles and fish swim around while Captain McPouty-Lip set-up the picnic.
"Stop drooling over shitty pests, it's lunch time." You heard him call 'lovingly', giggling as you stood and walked over to him. He'd set up a blue chequered blanket, water in a little pitcher set up next to a plethora of different fruits, with little sandwiches on plates waiting to be eaten. "This is so cute." You smiled and sat down, Levi following suite as you starting eating one of the sandwiches.
Mid-way through the delicious lunch, you noticed an unfamiliar taste, opening the bread a bit and gasping. "Levi how did you get ham?!" You questioned in shock. Levi half-smirked, placing a finger to his lips and winking.
God damn.
"I have my secrets. Now what about that kiss?" He leaned towards you as you blushed, biting your lip before gasping again.
"Levi look!" You squeaked in a hushed whisper, lurching forward and knocking Levi back.
'She's stronger than I though...' Levi thought, looking back at whatever had caught your attention.
A doe stood by the pond, drinking from the water peacefully as you stared in amazement, Levi watching you thoughtfully. "So gorgeous..." He mumbled, reaching up and cupping your cheek. You were snapped from your little daze, looking down at Levi before smiling.
"It is, isn't it?"
"I was talking about you." Levi snickered as your face flushed red, quickly noticing the spots on his shirt. "Oh no! You've got dirt and juice on your nice white shirt..." You said softly. starting to unbutton the dress shirt. Levi chuckled and sat up, holding your hips as he got close to your ear.
"I cherish the memory of the last time you were undressing me like this~" You blushed darkly, hitting his chest as he chuckled again. "Not now you jerk..." You said softly, slipping his shirt off his muscular body and standing, heading back over to the pond. You moved slowly, as to not trouble the deer, soon kneeling again and gently washing out the stains.
As you looked up towards the doe, you noticed it looking back at you curiously. You smiled, waving a bit to it. "Hey there buddy, just enjoying the water?" It puffed out air through it's nose as you nodded. "I'm (Y/n), my boyfriend over there got his shirt all dirty and now I have to clean it." You chuckled. "The things we women do for our hubbies huh?" You sighed happily as you looked at the doe again, who seemed to look at you with a twinkle of understanding in her eye.
You saw rustling in the bushes, watching as a little fawn stumbled awkwardly from the shrubbery. "That must be her baby." Levi mumbled as he sat next to you, leaning forward onto his knees. "Is that your baby, girl?" You asked the doe quietly as she puffed out air again, turning and using her nose to help her child stumble back into the forest. You sighed deeply, leaning against your partner, who then wrapped his arm around you.
"What if we had a baby Levi?" Levi choked on the water he'd been drinking, making you sigh and pat his back as his breath returned.
"I guess not then..."
"No, no, it just...caught me off guard." He sighed out, looking at you.
"Having a baby with you would be great (Y/n) it's just...I'd be a horrible father. I'd never be a-around and what happens if-"
Levi was cut off by your own lips, holding his face gently as he slowly leaned into it. "That won't happen, because we're going to wait until everything is safe."
"(Y/n) we might not even be alive by the time the world is safe, if it ever becomes safe."
"Then we give it five years." You replied immediately, moving into Levi's lap. You searched your pocket for a minute, soon pulling something out.
"After I woke up from my coma, I had one memory." You said softly, placing the necklace in your hand and showing Levi the gem.
"Apparently I have - or had - an older brother. He gave this to me right before whatever tragedy happened, I still can't remember that, but I want you to have it." Levi slowly held your wrists as you went to put the necklace around his neck, shaking his head. "I can't take that (Y/n), it's the only thing you have of your past life." You smiled, kissing his forehead.
"I want you to wear it for when you go on expeditions. When you feel it against your chest during battle, think of me, and I'll give you strength. I have faith in you Levi, all of you, the entire squad. You can keep us safe, rid us of our terror."
Levi looked at you, lowering his hands as you placed the necklace around his throat. He lifted the gem and chuckled. "The colour matches your eyes." He said softly, cupping your face and kissing you gently.
"I'm gonna get rid of every titan on this earth, and when I get back we're gonna have a baby girl who'll turn out just like her mother."
"Oh gosh I hope not, she'll have the attention span of a goldfish if she's like me." You laughed, hugging him tightly.
"I love you Levi..."
"I love you too."

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now