He returns

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            Never in your life had you seen so many people crying out of happiness.  You don't remember ever seeing someone cry from happiness, actually.  But here you were, in the crowd of people clutching their loved ones, sobbing into shoulders and kissing missed ones.
Mothers greeting their sons and daughters.
Fathers trying not to cry but eventually giving in.
Wives seeing husbands and kissing them.
Children seeing their papa's and mama's while running away from smiling grandparents. 
It was-
You spun around, hands moving to your mouth. 
Now you'd be among the criers. 
"You haven't aged a day, what fountain of youth have you been drinking from?"
"Erwin..."  You grinned happily, hugging him tightly as he chuckled, holding you close.
  "How long has it been?"
"I can't remember...three years at least."  You replied softly, wiping away your stray tears.
"You still look sharp, even for an old man."  You teased and laughed as he hit your arm lightly. 
"Still quick on your wits I see."
"You know it.  Where's Levi?  I was sent a letter saying he's safe."  You said, trying not to sound nervous.  Erwin nodded.  "Don't worry, nothing's changed, he said something about needing to shit before seeing you." You laughed loudly, covering your mouth.  "He certainly hasn't changed at all, has he?" Erwin shook his head. 
"He's probably gone home thinking you're there.  This was supposed to be a surprise."  You nodded, hugging Erwin once more before starting to walk towards your home. 
You'd kept it exactly the same, not even putting away the clean teacup Levi always left on the coffee table.  As you got closer, you started to get nervous. 
What if he didn't like how you looked now?  Erwin was right, you hadn't changed much, but your hair had gotten darker and longer, maybe you'd grown slightly, but surely he had as well. You could barely remember now what he looked like. 
Were his eyes grey or blue?  Maybe they were more green now....
Before you knew it you were standing at the door to your home, scared out of your wits.  Why, though? It was your own house.  Maybe it was just because now, a not-so strange stranger may be standing in the kitchen again, burning pancakes, or he might be sitting at the couch waiting to say he's moved on.  Maybe he was hurt, more mentally than physically, anyone would be after his experience.  Maybe-
You turned the knob of the door, slowly opening it and stepping inside.  You looked around, silence stared back at you.
"L-Levi?" You croaked before clearing your throat, standing a bit straighter. 
"Levi?"  You called out more confidently as you heard a crash in the kitchen.  You quickly walked there, bumping into the one-and-only as you rounded the corner. 
You both fell to the floor with surprised grunts, just staring at each other as you sat.  Your mouth opened and closed, but you seemed to choke more on tears than words as you stared at him. 
He'd gotten noticeably taller, and he'd grown some admittedly handsome beard scruff.   His hair was grown out at the sides, and all of his raven-black mane was pulled back into a ponytail.  But his eyes...
They didn't change.  You could see every memory of you two flash by as you stared at him, and now you remember-
"Crystal..."  You choked out and smiled. 
"I remember now, your eyes, th-they're not grey or blue, they're crystal." Levi smiled back slowly, as if he hadn't made that kind of action in months. 
"You were always the only one who could see through me." 
You choked out a laugh, launching yourself into his arms.  Levi held you tightly, hiding his face in your neck and sighing deeply.  You could feel tears hitting your skin as he grabbed onto any piece of clothing available, gripping it as if you'd slip through his fingers. 
"Oh god I missed you so much...so much...f-fuck..." He croaked out, trying to pull you back into him as you sat up, cupping his face and wiping away his tears.
"You're still so beautiful..."  He sniffled and sobbed out a small laugh.  "Meanwhile I'm an old man now, the years have been rough."
"The years have treated you so well."  You chuckled softly, scratching his stubble.  "How long have you been growing out this grass patch?" You laughed lightly at his small, grumpy reaction.
"Two years..." 
You smiled, playing with his hair.  "I like it, and your hair like that as well, it suits you, but maybe we'll cut it."  Levi nodded and smiled.
"God I love you." 
You grinned, kissing him deeply.  He pulled you to lay on top of him, soon turning you over on the floor so he was on top, pulling away breathlessly. 
"Marry me." Levi panted out, looking at you with loving eyes. 
"Please, we can go outside now and have a baby just like you wanted, like we want, and we'll build a house and-" You kissed him again, smiling as you pulled back.
"Let's get married."

The Unknown Girl {Levi Ackerman X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now