Part 6: I Never Liked You

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If you all belive in Allah with true reliance, he will certainly give you provision as he gives it to birds who go forth hungry in the morning and return in the evening with a full belly as dusk. [Tirmidhi]

The beautiful Azreena Hasan picture is above have a look.

Part 6: I Never Liked You

I'm walking in the garden area of the five star hotel thinking how three hours ago I was a bachelor and now I'm married. I don't even know what should I do everything is so messed up. 'Allah show me the right path'

"Ali!!! Ali!!" I heard a voice calling my name I turned and saw bhaijaan.

He jogged and stood beside me "what are you doing here?? You're married your wife is waiting for you." He said breathing heavily

"Bhai it's so messed up"

"What's messed up Ali??"

"Two hours ago the girl I married was going to get married to that.." I forgot name of that guy who was going to marry Azra

"Hamza" bhai said

"Ya.. Hamza and now she is my wife, my name in her Heena, all those pictures" my head fell in my palms "its so complicated"

"Ali first thing belive in Allah (swt) he has his own plans. We can't plan our life everything goes by his plans. He planned this wedding, he our creator was behind everything that happened today, yesterday and will happen in our future accept your qadar trust him"

"I'm not denying my qadar nor Allah (swt) plans I'm just afraid the things going to happen in future. Specially when Asiya will come to know"

"We don't know our future, we don't know if it's good or bad but we know one thing whatever is plan its for our benefit. whereas asiya is related to your life and everything you should tell Azra about Asiya she has the right. She is not Azreena Hasan anymore she is Azreena Ali Abdullah"

Bhai told me not to lose hope and have faith in Allah (swt) he is always there with us I just need to trust him and consume my new life with Azra. I'm no more Bachelor Adil Abdullah I'm a married man. I have responsibilities on me. Gathering all my courage I went inside the hotel.

I walked inside the room, the room was dark candles were giving some sort of light in the room, the scent of the candles and the flowery environment reminded me it's my first night. Ohh Allah I just forgot about it. The room was covered with flowers all over. 'Red Roses are symbol of love but right now its making me nauseous'

I saw Azra sitting on the bed in her heavy wedding dress. Her face was covered with viel I took a long breath and sat beside her I saw her shifting uncomfortably. "Hey!! I won't do anything" she didn't say anything I looked here and there couple of times thinking what to do know.

"Ali" A sweet voice called me Azra took my name her voice was low but melodious. "Yes" I said

She uncovered her face now I could see her face. She is beautiful Mashallah 'lower your gaze Ali!! Wait she is my wife I can stare'

"Can I ask you something" she said sofly her voice trembling due to crying her eyes were red her cheek wet.

"Yes.." I said softly absorbing her beauty in my eyes 'mashallah diamond failed in front of her beauty'

"Were you behind breakup of my marriage??" She asked her eyes watery any time tears could come out. But what shocked me was the question she asked

"Nooo.." I shouted she looked startled I calmed myself down "Why will I break your marriage??" I said in a shocking tone

"Because you liked me" she said softly her eyes locked on the floor tears came out followed by more tears

"Never I don't like you Azreena" I said shock visible in my voice as well as on my face 'I never liked her!! Ya Allah I've never even seen her completely, today I saw her beauty Mashallah. But who gave ger such wrong Ideas'

"Asmara my cousin told me you broke my marriage because you liked me and wanted to marry me" Azreena said looking at me

"Never Azreena why would I do that, I never ever thought of such things in my life breaking someone's marriage. And think If I wanted to break your marriage then why will I keep your, mine and fahad bhai pictures. Why will I put me and my family in danger"

"Then why did your father asked my hand for you why not Fahad??"

'God!!! Her brain is completely wahsed'

"Because fahad bhai is engaged" I said and the horror on her face was worth watching I laughed loudly causing her cry


"Azreena please don't cry I didn't mean to laugh on you, Your innocent that anyone can wash your brain" I said but she stood up and walked inside the bathroom with her cell phone

I took a deep breath a sign of relief 'Allah!! I couldn't even tell her anything else about my life. This is so complicated Allah'


"Afsha.." I cried on phone what should I do else I don't even know who says the truth or lie I'm so comfused Ali is right I'm way too innocent anybody can manipulate me.

"Appi!!! Stop crying. I told you Asmara is a bitch!! Astagfirullah but I can't do anything except curse that girl" Afsha gritted her teeth

Thank God I didn't shout on Ali as I had planed but Afsha and Zara told me to ask calmy because they knew it's all Asmara's plan whether she agrees or denies.

"What did he say?" Afsha asked from other end

"He said he doesn't like me" I said and recalled our conversation I felt a pang in my heart he doesn't like me how will this marriage work??

"About why marrying him not Fahad??"

"Because Fahad bhai is already engaged" I cried

"Dii!! Calm down its your first night I can't tell you what to do just a suggestion Hamza is nothing he is a Gair mehram and Ali is your mehram. Accept Allah (swt) plans and start a new life with Ali. I know it's difficult but Appi Allah has planed this he will only show you the right path"

Afsha and I talked for some more time she calmed me down I bid bye to her and changed myself into comfortable clothes.


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