Part 23: Distance

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ALLAH has perfect time for us. HE never does it all at once, just step by step, B'coz ALLAH wants to teach us to WALK BY FAITH" not by sight

If you love someone, pray for them. Pray for their peace. Pray for their growth. Pray for their success. Pray for their happiness. Ameen

Part 23: Distance

Azra wrapped the blanket around her body but still the warmness from his arms she used to get every night wasn't there. It was like till now she was dreaming a perfect life and someone woke her up saying it was just a dream. She wished it wasn't she wanted to be with him tell him every day and night how much she loves him. But she couldn't. He wasn't ready to listen.

It's been two days to Ali's departure and they still aren't talking. He justed texted her he reached safely and after that no conversations were shared, no texts sent and no phone call made. Their perfect life was now on the edge of perfect disaster.

On the other side his condition was no different from hers. His heart was breaking bit by bit, staying away from her was like shredding his heart in pieces. He never knew he will love someone to this extent but he did and it broke his heart that she didn't love him back. He was planning a happily ever after for her but your life never goes the way you plan it, it goes the way Allah plans it.

He couldn't sleep from last two nights.. how can he? Her fragrance was missing. Her touch was missing. Taking her in arms while sleeping and waking up holding her in arms was like an habit for him soon it was all going to end he thought. He needs to learn to live without her. He closed his eyes after praying the dua's and even in his prayers he prayed for her well being, her healthy life and her happiness.

She slept on his side of bed to get a little of his fragrance, she hugged the pillow he used to keep his head on just to get his familiar warmness but at the end a person cannot be classified with things. She felt empty.

Early morning the sun rose but she was still twisting and turning her sides just to get a little sleep but the night went by and she didn't get any. She climbed out of the bed and stood at the balcony railing watching the sun rise beginning of a new day. She felt tears on her cheeks she missed him.

Gathering her courage she took her phone from the night stand and dialed his number. After two rings she heard a faint hello and heart beated on his own record and tears made their way out of her eyes. On the other end he impatiently waited for her to reply. He was fast asleep when his phone rang without checking the ID he picked up the call but then listening to her heavy breaths he checked the ID and his heart caught in his throat. He wanted to listen to her melodious voice. He badly needed to hear her. She was his sanity.

"Ali...." she whispered and cried he too closed his eyes and let a lone tear slip his eye too

"I miss you...." she cried on the phone and he just wanted to hug her tightly. Hold her in his arms and rub her back asking her to stop but he couldn't. She was far away from him.

"Ali..... please come back.. I miss you...." she cried bitterly on the phone and his heart broke listening to his life's cries

"Azra...." he said and took a deep breath "shona listen to me..." he tried to cocoon her "shona I'll be back by tomorrow.." he said and she stopped crying

"Ali... I don't want Hamza all that you saw was not the truth please come back I want to be with you..." she said crying like a four year old and his heart melted with the confession.

"Azra are you sure, if you want di.." before he could complete she shouted on the phone "I love you....." the three words made his heart skip a beat if it was possible.


"I LOVE YOU ALI.... I JUST LOVE YOU... COME BACK PLEASE..." she emphasised each and every word and he just smiled thanking Allah (swt) million times for giving his life, his wife back.

"I love you too..." and they cried on phone


"Azra atleast eat something..." Ali tried to scold

"No... let me see you first I haven't seen you from two days and two nights" she said and touched the laptop screen

"I'm here right in front of you but baby at least eat something.." she just hummed and rubbed her fingers on the screen on his face.

After the crying session they wanted to see each other so they Skyped and cried. Ali asked forgiveness for his behaviour and promised to compensate once he is back and she too said she will make her confession special too. Talking to him she just slept. Her heart was at ease after seeing him. He too smiled and kissed the screen before shutting down the laptop..



Hello Readers!! I hope you all are doing good and I'm really very sorry for posting the part this late but I'll try and update next part soon by next week. And hope you guyss have checked out Broken Hearts too.

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