Part 28: Mystery Solved

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Everyone will disappoint you atleast once in your life, my brothers & sisters turn to Allah for he will never disappoint you!

You may think that your world is falling apart, but in reality its Allah putting your Akhira together...

Part 28: Mystery Solved

*two more parts left*

"All check!!!" Shareef asked everyone and they all nodded. They had arranged the engagement at Ayyan's house but the last minute Zara demanded for three tier cake of her picture on it and this worsen the situation.

But Afsha made a quick solution and arranged the cake to which everyone was impressed except for Aahil. Of course the guy has been having a lot of anger towards the girl which is no less in insulting him. The Perfect Combination.

Mehr was busy all day due to her internship and she was annoyed with her boss Mr Ashar Azmat. The guy is nothing but heartless. Allah had granted him bulk of money but just forgot to give him a heart that's what she explained about him to her family.

Ali was now Alhumdullilah better than all other days but doctors weren't still sure about the infection. And his doctor was none other than Ashar Azmat who even operated him. This had annoyed Mehr a lot.

Ayyan's house was in a hustle, his parents only son was getting married and even they didn't left any stone unturned to make it a perfect and memorable engagement. Zara and her mother-in-law are perfect match for each other cause when they sit together they forget about the world.

"Where are the rings??" Zahid. Ayyan's father asked Shareef Abdullah

Ayyan and Zara were seated on a magnificent couch with the heavy dresses they had worn as if it's a walimah. And even others were dressed as if it was actually the wedding not the engagement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen... Now that it's the engagement and everyone is gathered from both the families I'll like to make some quick announcement" Ali announced and gathered everyone's attention

The people apart from family who were waiting for gossip opened their ears and listened to him carefully. First in Azra's nikkah they got a brand new story and now in Zara's engagement

"Ali can't the announcement be later" Amina his mother asked glaring at him for ruining the function

"Ammi... Just few minutes that's it" Ali insisted even Azra asked him to stop with her eyes but he just nodded in a no

"Continue buddy" Ayyan boosted him. He knew his friends knew about his announcement

"Almost an year ago on Azra's wedding day a disaster happened" he started and Azra looked at him with shocked yet confused expression the announcement made the Hassan's hung their head low in shame

"Please don't put your head down abbu... Let me finish" Ali said he signalled Zaroon something and he went out

"So That day Hamza's family had put fake allegations on Azra and blamed her for no good reason...." Azra stood shell shocked she didn't knew why was he removing the buried topics she never want to discuss

"Her photos with me and my brother were clicked and shown to everyone with a different and disgusted angle.. Then my name was written in her Heena nobody told the Heena designer my name then how?? These questions nagged me all these days but now I've found the answers" he said and moved away

Zaroon brought a female with him and instantly Azra recognised who she was. The Heena designer. "Who is she??" Kaynat Azra's mother asked

"The designer who designed the heena in my wife's hand, who wrote my name not on her own" he said "Miss tell us the truth"

"Asmara madam asked me write Ali name in the bride's heena" she said with a head hung low "I've read the name on the card it was written Hamza and even Sana told me to write Hamza but Asmara madam paid me five thousand rupees to write Ali name in the heena"

Few gasped escaped from many lips but the ones shocked were the Hassan's they didn't knew one of their daughter will do it. Asmara was a daughter to Azra's father and today it was all ruined.

"Asmara..." Ali called out her name. She didn't meet anyone's eye and looked at floor in grave anger "tell the whole story or else my friends will, cause Adil has spilled the beans"

Another family member betrayed. "What are you talking son"  Aslam asked

"Asmara will you start or should I continue" Ali threatened in a death tone while Asmara flinched in fear

"I liked Hamza..." she started and families faces turned into a shocked open mouth expression "but before I could do anything Azra came in between"

"Stop lying she didn't knew about your feelings towards Hamza" Ali shouted and it scared everyone. Azra had never seen Ali this angry. She instantly rushed to his side and took a hold of his arm calming his nerves

"I know she didn't knew but she did come in between. Adil wanted Aslam uncle's property and I hamza so we both made a plan to ruin her image and break off her marriage. so that to save her from more embarrassment Adil will marry Azra and then I will tell my parents about my feelings for Hamza. But the plan didn't go well Shareef uncle bought up Ali's proposal and our plan got ruined but after that family got a lot of insult and we are guilty for our deed" Asmara said the whole complete story and the families were looking at her in shame

"How could you ruin your sister's life??" her father shouted

"cause everyone loves Azra and nobody loves me. It's always Azra I'm jealous of her. She is the best and I'm not and I hate that fact" Asmara shouted while her mother slapped her

"Shame on you"


Azra stood at the balcony with a cup of coffee. the morning was bright and sunny. It was the month of june the rainy season but rain was a far business all she could see was sun. Today the weather had a total change of behavior so were her action as well.

Her cheeks were covered with a shade of Violet, lips swollen, eyes deprived of sleep. Last night played in her mind and the violet colour turned into red. Yesterday she got her lost self esteem back. The people who used to call her character less apologized to her last night. And even her sisters got a new reputation. All because of her husband.

Ali was a gem and she was the most lucky women on earth.

Ayyan and Zara had a royal engagement. After engagement Ali had planned a dinner out for her away from her family. He took her to a garden covered with lights and flowers and confessed his love to her. She again confessed her love with pride in her voice and then they kissed.

The night after dinner turn into a wild one, turning the couple into passionate lovers. He wanted to cherish her and make her feel loved. She did gave in and the night passed by with their hands tangled up, legs fighting and mouth relishing.

She was bought out of her trance by Ali and his husky voice. He slipped his hand on her waist and pulled her. Her back hit his chest and she leaned into his touch. He kissed her hair and whispered a good morning to which she hummed.

"You okay!!" he asked caressing her hair and she blushed

She offered coffee and he drank it but the question was still the same. "I hope I was gentle" he asked hesitantly while she didn't meet his eyes

"You were...!!!" she whispered and got out of his hold smiling widely and faced him

"I tried my best!! Is it paining" he asked bluntly but his voice was laced with concern and care

"The pain is inevitable Ali... I'm fine" she said kissing his forehead

"I love you...!!!"

"I love you too!!"

"would you like to go on a honeymoon with me??"

"I'm all yours!!!"


A/N: aah!!! Update Update!! One more parts.  Life is a book but it's good when some pages of book ends so that a new story can start. Will start Broken Hearts and My Heart's Key after Ramadan. In August maybe so that I can complete BBFG

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