Part 24: Long Wait

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Allah never promised this life would be easy, but He did promise that He would be with you every step of the way.

ALLAH does not love sins, but ALLAH loves to forgive. ALLAH does not love sinners, but ALLAH loves those who repent.

Part 24: Long Wait

Azra stood in the balcony and watched the sunset another day passed by without him. She wished his work ends as early as possible and he comes back home. Even she wanted her home,  Cause he was her home. Two days ago they started their conversation and expressed their love for each other and promised to make it special once they meet. 

Azra had a pleasant smile on her face and different shine in her eyes. If those all were signs of love then she completely knew she was madly in love with her man. He has changed her life in many ways and changed for good. She thanked Allah (swt) every time she prayed and every time she thought of Ali.  Cause indeed Allah plans are better than us. Ali was the best thing that has happened in her life.

She again looked at her phone screen and sighed in sadness he was still not free from his meeting. He had promised her once he was free from meeting he will call her and tell her when is he returning.

"Ring... Ring..." her phone rang she excitedly picked up but then her heart fell listening to the voice

"Assalamualikum Appi... " Afsha saud from the other end

"Walekumsalam... " Azra said sadly

"your not happy that I called appi... " Afsha asked her voice dropped with each word

"no no jaani... " Azra said hurriedly "actually I was waiting for Ali's call..  And when I heard phone ringing I thought it's him..  i didn't mean to hurt you jaani... " Azra explained her thoughts

"ok...  I want to tell you something appi.. " Afsha said excitement was clearly heard from her voice

"Ya I remember on the Walimah day of Fahad bhai as well you wanted to say something..."

"Ya...  But all that chaos happened and I couldn't give you the news.."

"say jaani... "

"Appi I got a job in Bangalore..." Afsha squealed in happiness

"Really...  Mashallah Mashallah Mabrook.. " Azra said happily

"Your the first person I've told ammi abbu also doesn't know it yet.. "

"Ya Allah Afsha they have the right to know.." Azra scolded

"Appi they won't agree with me..  Can you please talk with them... " Afsha pleaded and how can Azra say a no to Afsha

"In Sha Allah I will... "

"Appi can you please talk today or by tomorrow cause after that we are going back to Hyderabad..."

"In Sha Allah I will..."

"and is everything ok between you and Jiju.. " Afsha asked hesitantly she knew there are conflicts between couple and she didn't wanted to interfere and give her own men hatered lecture she knew Azra loved Ali. Any body could see that in her eyes reason she kept quite and waited for them to solve their disputes

"Alhumdullilah... Everything is good..  We confessed our love to each other"

"ohh do there are chances of me becoming a khalu.. " Afsha teased happily and Azra blushed on the remark

"In Sha Allah... "

"Ameen...  Allah Hafiz Appi.. "

"Allah Hafiz..."

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