Part 13: You Are My Wife Not My Maid

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ALLAH doesn't give the people we want but the people we need. To teach, hurt, love & make us exactly the way we should be.

Facing difficulties in your life? "And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out" #Quran 65:2

A cute couple makes a successful wedding but a faithful couple makes a successful marriage.

Part 13: You Are My Wife Not My Maid

"Should I go for Eid shopping Ali" I asked him nervously

I don't know he will allow me or not I am still not used to all these it's been a month to our marriage but we are still at the square one.


Around his family we act as couple and pretty well we acted but I feel bad for telling lies to my parents and to his as well. Abbu had called many times to ask about my well being and how are the new people. And like always I had to tell lies.

If someone knew the actual relationship we share were my lovies. Sana, Zara and Alya had always encouraged me told me not to lose hope and try and work this marriage but Afsha straight way said on my face not to indulge my heart at the end I will have a heartbreak.

I don't know why does she hates men so much like such negativity about mens all mens are not same and Ali is definitely not like others. He is so loving, caring guy.

He looked at me from the mirror he was gelling up his hair when I told about the shopping thing his face was serious. He walked towards me stood in front of me his hands on his hip.

"Why are you so farma bardaar biwi??" He asked out of blue he had a teasing grin on his face

"What??" I asked in confusion I just asked a normal question

"I mean I've made you my wife not my maid Azra"

"I still didn't understand anything?" I was hell confused what is he talking about

"Azra why are you so farma bardaar. I mean why do you clean the room when there are servants to do that?? Why do you polish my shoes when there is man for that?? Why do you ask me everything before doing anything??" He asked folding his hands around his chest

"Because you are my husband and I have to do all that. When we shift to our new house I only will work, cook food, clean the house, do laundry, etc etc" I said in whole confusion what is he talking about. I just asked a simple question

"Noo!!!" He said in irritation

'Did I irritate him!! Allah'

"In which book is it written you need to do all these things and I don't think my dad has set any kind of these rules for daughters-in-law of this house"

"What do you want to say?"

He ran his hand through the back of his hair took a deep breath and started "Azra you are my wife!! You are not my maid to do all these things. You don't need to clean there are cleaners in the house. Why do abbu pay them?? And at our new house I'll ask Ayyan to arrange maids for your help. You don't need to do laundry there are many laundry service people who do that. About cooking things that's alright. Polishing my shoes you don't need to do I'll do it. And anything you do you don't need to ask me. If you are going to shopping you need to inform me not ask me. I don't want a farma bardaar biwi I want a wife who can help me grow towards Islam to our deen. Who can bring me close to Allah (swt). Who told you to all these??" He explained softly but I can sense he is really angry

I'm not kind of woman he wanted to get married to. He is forced into this because of me. I bit my lower lip stopping myself from crying. I felt his warm hands around my shoulder I looked at him.

"Azra I'm sorry it's just you don't know anything about me I don't know anything about you. The person who has told you this I'm sure that person doesn't know the meaning of marriage. You are my wife be like one. You want to go to shopping you should go just inform me your going don't ask me. You shouldn't fear me I am your Mehram" he explained softly

I didn't knew when these tears made their way out of my eyes he wiped them with his thumb. "A woman is the most important thing in a men's life. You completed my half deen habbibti. It's my duty to treat you like a lady you deserved to be treated with respect and honour"

"I'm sorry" I say softly looking in his eyes he smiles and shake his head negatively "No habbibti you shouldn't be. You know what you need to do??" He asked his hands cupping my cheeks

"What??" I said between my hiccups

He fetched glass of water from the side table and made me drink it. After he was satisfied I'm fine he cupped my cheek and made me face him

"You need to remove clothes for me everyday, tie my tie everyday, pray with me in the loneliness of nights, when I come home welcome me with a bright smile a welcoming one, losen my tie, give me head massage and there is a long list but now I don't have time" he said looking at the clock behind me hanging on the wall with horror

I laughed and nodded my head he removed his wallet and hand over me his cards. "If you need more give me a call"

"Why these cards??"

"What why? How will you shop Azra?" He said gathering his belonging

"But Ali I have my own cards" I said handling his card

"Habbibti I am your husband I have some responsibilities towards you. I earn enough to provide you whatever you want"

I nodded "I don't know anything about you?" I said on a sad note

"So do I. But hey!! We can know each other"

I looked at him in confusion "Miss Farma Bardaar biwi I don't have time now but I promise once we shift to our new house I am going to let you know everything about me. Allah Hafiz" He said and exited the room

My face is red I don't know why there are two reason one because I was crying or because he called me habbibti three times.


Farma bardar: amenable

Amenable: 1. ready or willing to answer, act, agree, or yield; open to influence, persuasion, or advice; agreeable; submissive; tractable: an amenable servant. 2. liable to be called to account; answerable; legally responsible: You are amenable for this debt. 3. capable of or agreeable to being tested, tried, analyzed, etc.

Biwi: wife



Jazakallah khair for all those who are reading my book. Do let me know do you all like the book or not. How was this part?? Do drop your votes and comments.

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