Part 19: New Beginning

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We try to avoid Death with medicines, but we don’t try to avoid Hell with good deeds. The truth is we can avoid Hell but can’t avoid Death!

Our Imaan is like a beautiful garden,if we do not constantly care for it,it will never grow and if we leave it idle it will wilt and die.

Part 19: New Beginning

"Azra let's go we getting late" Ali shouted standing at the doorstep

Azra was hugging everyone while bidding bye since half and hour. Everyone was giving some or the other piece of advice to her some about work, some about Ali, some about house, neighbours and all.

She was patiently listening to everyone and Ali was being impatient at the doorstep for his wife to come out and they both head to their home. He knew his family very well and if they start bidding farewell even if sun ends they won't stop bidding. He groaned and rubbed his eyes tiredness was clearly visible in his eyes. The work pressure have increased and Fahad is also going to get married so they need to sort all the meetings. Whereas if he looks at Azra he find there is nothing he knows about her except few things he had observed while living with her.

"Finally you came" he said in a exaggerate tone when she came

"Stop being like Mehr" she chuckled

"Ya.. Ya... my family loves you more than me" he said keeping a hand on his heart as if he is upset

"Haha.." she giggled "such a kid" she said and he admired her smile

"I'll miss them" she said with a sad sigh

"I won't let it happen" he said and plug an arm around her waist and both started walking out of the house.

Ali parked the car infront of their building "New Breeze" the watchman came and helped Ali in removing their bags from the trunk. Azra eyed the place and found the atmosphere warm and welcoming.

The elder womens smiled at her and the younger ones were friendly. A bunch of womens approached her while Ali went to park the car in parking lot. The womens had charming smile and were friendly.

"Hello!!" A women said and extended her hand "I'm Sanjana Rajput" Azra shook hands with her "Azra Abdullah" she said with a friendly smile too. Sanjana was wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

"I'm Pammi Dhillo.. you call me pam" another women who was fat and was a punjabi Azra thought. Later she shook hands with all womens and started to mingle up with them.

"Which floor are you staying at?" Pammi asked

"We are on 17th floor" she said

"Ohh then we are next door neighbours" Pammi said

"Is that your boyfriend?" another woman Andy asked

"Noo.." she laughed "he is my husband"

"Quite young!! Ours are all Old and Fat" Sanjana said jokingly to which Azra laughed as well.

Ali returned with the watchman "Let's go habbibti" he said

"Ali they are our neighbours and womens he is my husband" she introduced them they all smiled and Ali nodded his head.

Ali, Azra and watchman entered the elevator and went upwards to seventeenth floor. The watchman placed the bags outside the door and left. Ali jingle with the keys and opened the door of their new house.

"This is so messy" Azra complained

"Yup.. the last tenants didn't clean the house when they shifted their furniture. Seems like we need to clean a little"

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