Part 12: Ramadan

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"The real fasting is not of the stomach and the tongue, but it is of the heart." -( Imam Al-Ghazali)

"The first to apologize is the bravest, the first to forgive is the strongest, and the first to forget is the happiest." (Ali ibn Abi Talib RA)

Part 12: Ramadan

"This is the month of Ibadat. Allah had caged satan benefit for us is we should ask Istagfaar from our lord in this holy month" Daadi told us

It's been nearly twenty days of Ramadan. Like how fast the time flew away. Last ten days are left and then the blessed months ends. And again the daily routine will continue.

"Daadi tell us some story please" Mehr pleaded for the nth time.

She really loves to hear stories specially when it's about our ancestors. This time daadi is telling us about the Fazilat of the last ten days of Ramadan about Lay-Latul-Qadr.

"Ok.." finally daadi agreed to tell us something new about our Prophet.

"There was a time when fourty yazid were standing outside the house of our Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). Listen carefully fourty yazid and eighty eyes. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and Ali Ibn Abi Talib RA were inside the house. Prophet had to go but there were some fidelity that needs to be done so he asked Ali Ibn Abi Talib RA to sleep on his bed and in morning give the fidelity and come to meet him in Mecca. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) went outside of the house but the yazid couldn't see him. They stood there waiting for him. When asked to Ali Ibn Abi Talib RA that how did you slept when angel of death was standing outside of the house. He replied 'It's was the most peaceful slumber of my life'. Now the questions is how? when death was standing outside of the house" Daadi told us the little piece of knowledge as story and asked us a question.

"Mehr give the answer" Ali poked her arm "you only asked for the story now give the answer" he said teasingly

"Bhabhi!!!" She shouted I don't understand why does whenever Ali teases her she shouts my name? Why?

"Don't fight now think about the answer" Amina aunty said in a stern voice

"Daadi please give the answer I don't know" Mehr pouted

"Ok... It's because he knew he isn't going die. We always have fear of dying any minute Malak al Maut can come and our souls will leave our body. But Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) clearly said in morning give the fidelity and come to meet me in Mecca"

Realisation hit us.

"He knew any minute Malak al Maut can come but tonight he won't come. He had assurance any night he can die but tonight no body could kill him that's the reason he slept peacefully."

"Ya Allah!!! So dumb me" Mehr said in an exaggerate tone to which everyone rolled their eyes.

She is complete Drama Queen.

"Now listen to me all" Daadi spoke a bit loudly to gather our attention "I look back and found half of the Ramadan is over in blink of an eye. Before I know I'll be saying it about my entire life. So from tomorrow last ten days of Ramadan will be left. And I hope you all know the meaning of last ten days. How important last ten days are!!
If you feel you've wasted your #Ramadan, you haven't. Make the most of the last ten nights. Consider it the bonus round! Lots of rewards. Ameen.
We don't know when is Lay-Latul-Qadr so find Lay-Latul-Qadr in the odds days of last ten days of Ramadan. Whosoever stands in"Ibaadah"on this night,with sincere faith and with genuine hopes of gaining reward, his previous sins will be forgiven (Bukhari). The odd night might be 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th. Lay-Latul-Qadr is greater than 1000 months (83 years) make the most of it.
Lay-latul Qadr - The Night of Power ALLAH, Most Wise, says: 'The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.' (97:3 Quran) I hope you all will sacrifice your sleep for Lay-Latul-Qadr to gain rewards from our lord. Be happy and Blessed that you have a chance may next year we won't be having one. Use this Ramadan to become a better Muslim. Don't change yourself for just Ramadan change yourself for the rest of your life. May this Ramadan be starting point in everyone's life"

"Ameen" as Daadi finished we all agreed and loud Ameen escaped our lips. I miss being with Ammi Abbu and with my family this Ramadan. But this year it's a new journey of my new life and with new people. Past month I have learned so many things. Mashallah!! Ali has one of the amazing family.

"Daadi!!" Mehr spoke hesitantly Daadi eyed her but then her face soften and she said
اللْهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي

"Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'annee" (Ya Allah your most forgiving, You love forgiveness. Therfore Forgive me)" you always forget the Dua we need to recite on Lay-Latul-Qadr night Mehr" Daadi said with a small smile

Mehr hugged Daadi and mouthed a sorry to which she kissed her forehead. Having an elder person in life is a blessing.

"Now go to your respective rooms and offer Salah, recite quran. You don't have to just ask Allah (swt) in last ten days of Ramadan. You can ask him every night. Allah says "Ask from me in Loneliness of nights I will give you whatever you want" He specially wait for Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) ummat to ask from him" Shareef uncle said

We all dismissed to our rooms as we entered the room Ali directly fell on the bed. He was really tired working whole day at office that too without having food. I know Allah himself gives strength when we are fasting but I feel bad for him.

"Ali are you tired?" I asked him sitting beside him

"Nooo!!!! I'm just sleeping" he said sarcastically

I bit my tongue "sorry" I said

"I'm so sorry Azra" he said opening his eyes lightly, tiredness was clearly visible in his eyes. I smiled.

He closed his eyes for some more minutes then opened it and said "Let's pray" he said enthusiastically and went inside to do wudu.

'I wish I could do anything to ease your tiredness'


Fazilat - Superiority
Malak al Maut - Angel of Death



Hello Readers!!! How is Ramadan going?? I hope you all are doing your best and I hope this little piece of information do help you.

Islam is Perfect. Muslim aren't. So if in the above information there is some error please forgive me. I'm not perfect I wrote what I have heard from scholar Syed Hashmi Miyan Bayan. The above in media box one of his Bayan is there. Do listen it's very good.

Hope you liked the part and Do Vote. Comment. Share. Ask your friends also to read if you like my book.

In these final few days of #Ramadan do everything you can and invest in your Akhirah.

Remember me in your prayers specially for my health.

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