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She woke up early, her eye going directly to the small present sitting on her desk. Hopping up, she grabbed the gift and dashed out of the room.

Approaching Bella's door, she gave Edward enough time to get out before barging in.

"Happy birthday Bells!" Andy called out excitedly, jumping on top of her still in bed sister.

Bella grimaced slightly but still managed to put on a small for her sister. "Thanks Andy."

Smiling brightly, she thrust the small package toward her sister. "I got you something."

Unwrapping the gift slowly, Bella gasped lightly at what she saw inside. An array of pictures came tumbling out of the box. All candid shots of Bella and the people she cared about most, Andy had even managed to find some of her and Bella despite the fact that she took the pictures.

"This is great. Ands," Bella whispered.

"There's more."

At the bottom of the box sat a necklace. Holding it up, Bella was able to make out a wooden carving of a heart.

"I made it," Andy whispered. "Billy showed me how, and Quil helped me a lot."

Andy could have sworn she saw her sisters eyes tearing up. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet because I let dad get you a gift. Oh, and I might have also convinced him to pick up muffins for breakfast." Andy jumped out of the way laughing as Bella shot a pillow at her.

Hiding in her room, she checked her phone. Alice would normally text her telling her what to wear so things would get done easier. Seeing nothing from Alice, she figured she was on her own.

Andy hated this part. Getting dressed, because she always had to see her scars that were forever etched into her skin. They were barely visible, but she knew they were their, she could see the perfectly shaped teeth marks in certain light and she thought they were disgusting. They were a horrible reminder that she wasn't strong enough, that she would never be strong enough.

She picked out an outfit that expertly hid the scars, closing her eyes as she dressed. Every morning she went through this, every morning she couldn't find anything positive about them.

"Andy, we need to get going," Bella called through the door.

Rushing to finish, she grabbed her bag and left the room, running into her sister.

"Your meds," Bella told her. handing her both her pills and her lunch. "I put a muffin in your lunch as well."

Smiling brightly, she pretended she wasn't falling apart from the inside. Together the sisters made their way out the door.

She looked out the window, scanning the parking lot for her best friends. Jasper and Alice were always on time, waiting to greet her whenever she arrived.

She visibly brightened when she saw them standing off to the side, few students looked at them.

"Today's the big day," Jessica called from Bella's side. She gave her friend a confused look at her nervous expression. "R&J essay due?"

Bella visibly relaxed, causing Andy to stifle a chuckle. "Where for art thou, Bella?" Mike played dramatically.

Andy gave her sister a loving pat on the shoulder before making her way to a giddy Alice, immediately getting wrapped in a hug.

"What do I get on my essay?" Were the first words out of the girls mouth.

Alice rolled her eyes. Ever since Andy skipped yet another grade, she has been freaking out over her marks. Now a senior along with her sister and friends, she became overly worried about assignments and tests she knows she will ace.

"Wait and see," the psychic teased. The small human girl frowned briefly before bouncing back to her now improved mood. She always felt better around them.

Leading them into the school, she heads directly for her sisters locker. "I'm assuming you have the entire party ready?" Andy whispered, dodging students. "And that she'll fight you on coming?"

Alice rolled her eyes dramatically. "I have it all planned out. Don't worry about it."

Grumbling, she let go of the girl as they reached Bella. The vampires enthusiasm making both Jasper and Andy smile. It didn't matter to either of them how much they were hurting of, Alice could always plant a smile on their faces.

"Happy birthday!" Alice announced, flipping herself over the railing. Jasper landed next to his mate with ease. Turning around, he waited for Andy to awkwardly climb her way over, jumping into his arms.

"Here." Andy narrowed her eyes, not entirely sure of where Alice pulled the box from. "You'll love it. You're gonna wear it tonight at the party."

She rolled her eyes at her sisters attitude. Moving forward, she gripped Bella's arms slightly, something both girls were familiar with. "Alice said I was in charge of pictures tonight," her voice small, willing her sister to say yes to the party. "She said it was going to be a big deal because she thinks it might be your last party."

Bella felt herself giving into her sister and sighed. She hated the idea of a party, but t made her sister happy. She wasn't stupid, she was able to tell that Andy had been off, even if she had made so much progress.

"I guess a party will be fun," she sighed in defeat. Andy beamed at her sister and pulled her in for a hug.

"It will be a night to remember," Alice exclaimed before grabbing Andy by the hand and leading her to he first class.

Bella couldn't help but feel like Alice had replaced her in her role as big sister by the way Andy clung to the couple, they looked like a family. She sometimes wished she could go back to the moments where Andy would depend on her completely.


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this isn't the best and i feel soo bad that it isn't the best but i really wanted to update for you guys.

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