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Watching as the waves crashed against the shore, Andy picked her way across the sand lazily. Her feet sunk with each step, legs wobbled as she tried to keep her balance on the uneven earth. Every so often the water would fall closer to her feet, kissing her bare skin gently before it pulled away.

She took shaky breaths as she moved farther away from the the Uley household, their screaming still rung in her ears. Tears stung her eyes and she hastily wiped at her face, releasing a quietly laugh at how her face was already sticky from her previous crying.

She could still see the way Sam, Paul and Jared checked her over for injuries as she entered. She had smiled to them timidly in turn, moving toward them with small steps as they each opened their arms wide for a hug. That was when Embry and Jake had walked in, each boy laughing and shoving at each other at some joke they had told. She faced them with with joy shinning in her eyes, her feet already guiding her towards them.

Andy hadn't expected it, hadn't guessed that Jake was going to freeze in his path; his face contorting in anger. He glared in her direction, his entire body shook with rage as she stood paralyzed in confusion and fear. Fear from every direction assault her and tears sprung to her eyes.

It wasn't a second before everyone began to shout, yells and curses filling the mall home as the boys moved towards Jacob. It wasn't a moment before her fight or flight reflex kicked in and she was already moving from the house.

She had heard them call after her but she refused to stop, refused to go back to a place that was filled with so much anger and fear that she felt herself about to be sick.

Her steps were slow as she tiredly came to a stop, her mind pounding. Sitting on a forgotten log, she dug through her pockets until her fingers curled around her phone.

She stared down at it in thought, pondering who she should be calling. Her answer stared back at her as she looked at her home screen.

she called before she could talk herself out of it. It only rung a moment before someone picked up the other end.


Her heart flew at the familiar voice. "How are you doing on this fine evening, good sir?" Andy asked, biting her lip to hold back a laugh that was trying to escape.

"Mighty fine ma'am. What can I do for you?" Jasper drawled, his southern accent had giggles erupting from the small girl.

"I was fixing to have a chat with my favorite people," she spoke, her toes digging into the sand. "Is Alice around or am I stuck speaking to only you?"

The boy laughed, "If I'm such a burden, I"ll hang up and let the little devil call you herself."

Andy's grin got impossible wider. "Don't let her hear you-"

"Jasper!" Andy broke into a fit of laughter as she heard Alice shout at her mate. "Were you just about to hang up on Andy?!"

"No, I would never-"

"And what did I say about calling me that? I thought I told you that I don't like it?"

"Alice, love, I'm sorry." Jasper mumbled.

"Uh, guys?" Andy questioned.

"Andy!" Alice's voice erupted in her ears. " How are you? I saw that you made up with Bella, but I also saw that you were alone on the beach, cry-"

"Crying?" Jasper interrupted. "What happened? Why are you crying?"

Sighing quietly, she reached down and rolled up the bottom of her pants before stepping into the water. The way the icy crashed against her legs was soothing. it chilled her, calming her heart rate. In the back of her mind, their was a small flicker, reminding her that it was still winter.

Troubled Minds | Quil Ateara [2]Where stories live. Discover now