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With Bella spending more and more time on the reservation, Andy felt like she was going to implode.

She had learnt that her sister had officially gone crazy from her Embry and Quil. Apparently building motorcycles wasn't a big deal. Apparently monopolizing her friends wasn't a big deal. Apparently only inviting her to come along when they were doing homework wasn't a big deal.

Andy felt like she was being forced back into the dark, like Bella was sucking and drawing all the light from around her until she couldn't breath.

Quil, someone who she cared about deeply, was much more interested in Bella hanging around. She had heard from Embry that they were having a dance at the school on the reservation. Embry had expected Quil to ask her. Quil ended up inviting his cousin.

While Andy payed attention to everyone else and was there to support them all, no one took notice of the way she withdrew herself, of the way she shook and gasped of breath over the littlest of things.

Andy could remember a time when Bella meant the world to her. Now she could hardly even glance towards her. It was bad enough that she had her sisters pain flooding her senses at the most inopportune times, she didn't need the foreign emotions that she felt around her sister.

On one of the rare days that Bella gave her a ride to LaPush , Andy ran off as soon as she could. She was already far enough away from the boys when they found out that she knew they wouldn't find her, if they would come to find her.

Cutting trough the trees, Andy found herself close to the cliffs. Staying near the tree line, she could hear laughter, hoots and hollers. Longing filled her, she would give everything to feel that free again. Nothing was the same anymore.

Ensuring that her camera was secure around her neck, she scaled the tree. She felt the bark scarp and cut into her skin but she didn't dare stop. The small amount of stinging made her focus more on the physical pain rather than the emotional.

Reaching the highest branch, she focused the lens out towards the water. It was nice near the beach. She felt reckless and free up this high. Adjusting herself, she snapped multiple pictures.

The breeze softly blew her hair, lifting it into her shot. She continued to take pictures. Something about the way her hair fluttered around the edges of the scene made her feel like she actually existed. Made her feel like she would be remembered as something other than the girl who stood behind others. It was oddly beautiful.

The shouts of the boys at the cliff sounded, surprising her at how close they actually were. With a tiny yelp, her grip on the branch slipped from her grasp. Andy gasped at the way she rushed towards the ground and hugged her camera close to her body.

She landed with an audible thump, disoriented. A snap echoed throughout the trees. It took only a moment before pain flared in her wrist. This was different from when she had last hurt herself, the pain was something he felt much more clearly.

"Did you hear that?" A man's voice grumbled.

"What?" Andy was quick to realize that it was the boys that were cliff diving.

She heard footsteps approaching and she tried to shuffle away, brushing at her face to make sure their were no tears.

A tall, muscular man stepped into view, scowling in his approach as he saw her sitting their. His eyes examined her, the tears she hastily tried to hide and the way she cradled her wrist.

His eyes connected with hers and he stilled. Andy flinched a little as she felt pity and something else overcome her senses.

"Are you alright?" the same gruff voice from earlier spoke as she crouched down near her.

Andy watched him intensely, she had seen him before.

"You're the guy that found Bella." Andy wondered why she didn't phrase it as a question.

"Chief Swan's girl?" another boy spoke.

"My sister," she admit.

Her eyes narrowed as they shared glances among one another. They acted odd.

"I'm Sam Uley," the man closest to her introduced. "Those idiots are Paul and Jared."

Andy giggled lightly despite the pain in her wrist. The boys felt at peace by her mood change.

"Andy Swan," she found herself answering.

"Did you hurt yourself?" The boy she learnt to be Jared asked.

"Did you fall from the tree?" Jared smacked Paul in the back of the head for his question.

Fiddling with her bracelet, Andy tried to make sense of the people around her.

"I did something to my wrist," she stumbled over her words as she glanced towards her injured limb.

Jared moved forward and both he and Sam looked at her wrist carefully. It was definitely broken.

"What happened?" Paul asked.

"I- uh- I was taking pictures and you guys sort of passed by and startled me," her words were rushed, trying to get this interaction over with. "I fell out the tree."

Sam quickly sent the boy a look, silencing him. "Is you sister around? We could bring you to her-"

"No!" Andy nearly shouted. "Just- can you bring me somewhere so I could call my dad?"

Instead of answering, Sam lifted her into his arms easily. Andy whimpered softly as he jostled her arm. He had taken a few steps before she notice she didn't have the thing she broke her wrist trying to protect.

"Wait! My camera!" She squirm around in his arms until her camera was handed to her.

She didn't pay attention to where they were going until she was placed in the seat of a truck. Turning to Sam, she lifted a single brow.

"We're headed to Jared's," the man explained. "His mom works at the clinic so she can look you over until your dad gets here."

Andy hummed a tune to herself quietly as she looked over her camera with precision. Nothing seemed to be broken or damaged except for the lens. She was grateful that she had other cameras and lenses to use until she was capable of replacing that one, grateful that the damage wasn't anything worse.

The ride was silent other than her humming. Andy felt sort of hollowed, numb from the pain radiating from her wrist. She had a clear head, a rare occurrence.

"Jared!" Andy snapped her head towards the home, watching as a young girl with dark hair flew out of the home.

"Lynn," the boy exclaimed. "What are you doing home?"

The girl, Lynn, smiled up and Andy could easily spot the family resemblance. It made her jealous, reminding her of the relationship she use to have with Bella.

"Are you coming Andy?" Sam pulled her from her thoughts and helped her from the truck.

The two girls stared at one another. Lynn because she was often shy and hesitant towards new people; Andy because this was all too overwhelming for her, to much had happened in too little time.

When the feeling of constricted lungs appeared, she struggled to explain what was happening to someone. Words barely made it past her lips as she gasped, her body shuddering and black spots slowly distorting her vision.

The Quileute's watched as she swayed slightly, the boys having no idea what was happening or how to help her.

Lynn moved first. She reached forward and gripped Andy's shoulder's, planting a firm kiss on the girls lips.


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