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Avoiding her sister grew easier as she began to spend more time in LaPush with Lynn and Sam but as it turned into February, and she learnt that Bella had been in the emergency room at least twice, a confrontation was in need.

Andy hovered neared the front door, her heart pounding in her ears. Alice and Jasper had pumped her up for this moment a few hours prior but all sense of readiness had evaded her.

To Andy, speaking with her sister would have been the right option, yet she had chosen a vastly different approach.

So as she heard the door bell sound, she wasted no time in flinging it open.

The boy in front of her looked a mess. His clothes looked thrown on, he had large bags under his eyes.

Andy felt worried for him, for his health because despite everything she still cared incredibly.

"Drea," his voice was light, but she could hear the worry that lingered in it. The way his eyes scanned over her and lingered on the cast on her arm gave him away.

"Quil." Andy felt horrible as he flinched at her tone.

The tension between the two grew as neither knew what to say.

This feeling was familiar to her but never around Quil. In the past, things between them used to be so natural. She could hardly hold eye contact with him anymore, it just made her want to forgive him.

"Come in," Andy mumbled. "Do you want a drink or something?"

Quil trailed behind the girl, following her every movement.

"I want to know what's going on."

Andy sat on the couch and hugged her torso. She wanted o hold him, hug him but she wouldn't let herself. Quil sat as close as he possibly could.

"Why haven't you been around? Why haven't you been answering my text or calls? Why is Embry ignoring us but seeing you? What is going on?" The questions rushed out of his mouth quicker that she could comprehend and she had to take a moment to process it all.

Andy addressed the simplest one first. "What about Embry? What do you mean?"

"He got sick and missed a week of school," Quil sighed and shook his head. "Then he stars hanging out with Sam Uley's gang and you show up with them."

Blanking, she tried to make sense of it all. Embry was still the same guy, just a little buffer and taller. "He's still the same guy, Quil, he just looks a little different."

"He hated Sam's gang, he's always hated Sam's gang. He called them hall monitors on steroids and now he's one of them."

She narrowed her eyes at him before pulling up the sleeve of her sweater and shoving her casted arm forward.

"Sam's little gang heled me when I broke my wrist. They introduced me to Lynn," Andy raised her voice slightly. She wasn't yelling, not anytime close but it was definitely louder than her typical quiet tone. "She's the only one that has been a friend to me when you and the others have been fawning over pressure Bella."

Stunning him into silence, she felt a certain amount of smugness. Never had she had the courage to stand up for herself.

"What do you mean fawning over Bella?" he whispered.

Andy focused her attention on the blank television. Her mind was all over the place, her emotions all over the place, his emotions were making hers go all over the place. She was conflicted, she knew how sorry he was but she didn't ant to simply roll over and forgive him.

"Well, yes. You and the guys started acting like I wasn't even there anymore. You stopped paying attention to me, why would I want to hang around?" Andy muttered quietly.

Quil was quick to pull her into his arms. She melted against him easily, despite the fact that she didn't want him to come over in the first place. They clung to each other, like it was the last and first time.

"I've missed you so much," he whispered into her hair. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize we were making you feel like that. Jake had just said that Bella needed to be distracted for her health."

"What about my health?" Andy mumbled into his shoulder. "I was left behind just as much as she was. At least I had a relationship with the rest of the family."

"Wha- no! That's not what I was implying! I- it was all Jake's fault! He's the one that said!" Andy's heart stuttered as he tripped over his words.

Andy nuzzled her head closer to his neck as she felt all her reservations toward forgiving him disappear. She was never one for holding onto her anger, seeing him like this just made it seem impossible.

"I forgive you, just don't do it again."

Quil nodded his head in agreement frantically, he would agree to anything she said.

"I had a reason for calling you here," she giggled lightly.

"Yeah?" Andy peeked up to see him grinning down at her widely.

"I wanted to talk about Bella. Why the hell would you let her build then drive a motorcycle?"

Quil cringed as she glared up at him. She was adorable but he knew this wasn't the time to point it out.

"Jake said it would..." he trailed off as her glare hardened.

"Jake shouldn't just indulge her in whatever she wants! She isn't acting like herself and I just hope you know that her actions can have a drastic influence on me just by consequence."

The Ateara boy smiled as she lectured him. He would take all the time he would give her

"You're not even listening!" Andy snapped. Standing, she walked into the kitchen and picked up her phone.

"Wait! What are you doing?" Quil called as he stumbled after her.

"I'm calling Lynn," she stated. "I'm positive that she has a multitude of curses to string together that would suit this situation perfectly."

Andy felt a small prickle of fear spike in her heart and immediately glanced towards him. The look on his face made her laugh quietly in response.

Sighing dramatically, she placed her phone back down. "Is someone sacred of the Cameron girl?"

Quil scoffed loudly, "Definitely."

Andy launched herself at him as she laughed, causing the pair to tumble to the ground. She felt free when she was with Quil, like she was allowed to act silly. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and relished in his closeness.

"Hey Andy, why happened to your wrist?"



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sooo i finally decided to update??? Its kinda bad???? Im sorry??



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