Dix-Huit pt.1

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She loved the way the wind pulled at her hair, caressing her skin. She attempted to take everything in at once. The way the waves kissed the sand warmed her insides despite the chilly weather. It was a typical day in LaPush, a depressing sky that swelled above your head and reached towards land. No hint of sun lingered in the sky and Andy loved the way she felt free.

She waited on the beach, knees tucked beneath her as she watched the water with interest. She wanted to go to it, to submerge herself in the deepest and see how long she could hold her breath.

Lynn came up from behind her, the bubbly girl leading he way as her brother and his friends followed close behind.

She didn't want to see any of the boys.

"Andy!" Lynn called with twinkling eyes. The Cameron girl was quick to wrap herself around the tiny Swan girl.

"Hello Lynn." Andy leaned into her friends embrace. "How have you been?"

Lynn collapsed to the ground next to her, splaying herself across the ground. Andy smiled at her fondly before glancing towards the others, feeling unnerved at thee way the watched her with guarded expressions.

"I've been missing you, but also happy you haven't been around because then you would be scarred for life."

"How so?" Andy asked hesitantly, knowing fully well that the girl could possibly explode with emotion at any second.

"Jared has decided to hang around at home to basically have sex with Kim in the living room like every single day! I have been traumatized, Andy."

Stifling a laugh, she attempted to comfort her distraught friend by patting her knee. "There, there."

Lynn threw herself at the girl, arms wrapping around her waist.

"Hold me!" the girl cried dramatically.

Laughing, Andy held the girl as she continued her dramatics.

Catching the eye of Sam, she summoned all of her courage and held his gaze. Different from the others, he never once glared her way. He kept his expression neutral as hers was full of confusion. He stood tall, a bare chested statue in the breeze.

"Why are they here?" Andy questioned, eyes never leaving his.

Lynn glances towards the boys. "They want to talk to you. They followed me here."

Removing her friend from her, Andy stands and walks towards the group. Her heart hammered in her chest, pounding against her ribs and she was sure they were going to break. The closer she got, the sicker she felt. A tension grew in her stomach, something that she could only describe as anger.

It was a fiery feeling, something that curled around her organs and set blood aflame. It put her on edge, made her stand taller as it gave her confidence. Their anger was addictive, dangerous.

"You wanted to speak to me." She stated, cutting directly to the point.

The boys glanced among each other, shuffling as they didn't expect her confidence.

Sam was the first to speak. "You can't leave after graduation."

Andy stood still, his words not registering with her at first. It took her a moment to put the pieces together, her own anger flaring inside of her.

"What has Billy told you?" she hissed, eyes narrowed at them and fist clenched at her sides.

"Everything," Paul growled out. "Absolutely everything and we can't let you leave."

She took a step back, flinching away form the boy as he shook before her eyes. Her gaze flickered between them, taking in the different expressions.

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