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A small made its way onto her face as she felt her heart lighten, as she no loner had anything to worry about.

Quil always made her feel that way, no matter how much she was peeved or frustrated with him. He was simply loveable by nature; his mood was hard to deter.

Bustling around he kitchen, the pair attempted to put together some type of meal. Bella was never home anymore to make dinner like she use to, and while Andy knew how to cook, she was lacking certain skills.

Quil was useless, everything her did was wrong to a certain extent. She jus liked to have with her, even if he did more harm.

"Slowly, Quil! Be careful!" the girl basically shrieked. Watching him chop onions certainly made her age a few years. The boy was reckless, and too many times had he nearly cut himself.

The boy attempted to hide his grin. Her care for his well-being made his heart flutter. She always gave him this kind of reaction. Around her he felt out of control, like she was all that mattered.

"Be careful," he repeated playfully. "So you don't want me to this?"

Andy's heart clenched as he ran the blade of the knife over his finger. She watched as his smile faltered and blood started to appear almost immediately. The liquid was dark, thick, clashing against his tan complexion.

Reaching forward, she ripped the knife from his grasp and set it down. She pulled his hand towards her face, not minding the blood in the slightest, and examined the cut he had given himself.

"You're an idiot," she mumbled. The dishcloth clutched in her hand as she dabbed away the blood that flowed freely. Her mind jumping between a flurry of details. His emotions were mixed, yet easy for her to identify when she puled them in subconsciously.

"It doesn't even hurt," he grumbled, trying to pull his hand away.

Andy sent him a glare. She could feel his pain radiating in her own finger, having no doubt that he would be in quite a bit amount of pain if she wasn't adding him.

"I can't believe this. After I had just warned you," she scolded as she dragged him over to the kitchen sink. Her grip on him was firm. "When I tell Alice about this, oh, I'm never going hear the end of it. She ad always thought you were one of the smart ones. She was rooting for you apparently, whatever that means."

"Andy," Quil spoke slowly.

"Oh and Jasper is going to think this is great! It's going to be one big joke-"


"- and Lynn will never let you live this one down, she will-"


He never raised his voice around her, not with this tone.

"Yes?" she whispered, her words hesitant.

"Alice? Jasper?" He watched her closely, trying to gage her reaction.

She went on defense immediately. Her facial expression becoming closed off, her eyes becoming distant.

"What?" Her voice was monotonous.

She let him go, his hand slipping from her fingers. Quil felt like he was being suffocated, his body craving her touch, even just in the minimal of senses.

Her hands grasped the sleeves of her sweater, fingers squeezing to the point of her knuckles turning white. She relaxed her hold shortly after before squeezing with just as much force as before, like a rhythm.

"Are you alright?" Quil questioned her, his voice lowered in an attempt to comfort her.

Andy nodded her head in confusion. Her head raced and she had no idea what was going on. He had just snapped at her, and now he was gentle.

"You mentioned Alice and Jasper?" Quil pressed slightly.

Her breathing picked up slightly, her eyes wide with worry and fear. She trusted him, but that didn't mean he wouldn't tell anyone.

"Hey, Andy, hey!" He was anxious now, Andy could feel his anxiety taking a toll on her body.

She shook her head frantically and stumbled her way out of the kitchen. She needed air, she couldn't breathe.

Andy slumped as Quil wrapped hi arms around her, keeping her still and standing. He whispered comforting words in her ear.

It took her a few moments to catch her breath, her heart pumped wildly and her body was exhausted. Shudders ran through her as she relied on him for strength.

"I've got you," he soothed as he brought her to sit on the couch.

"Quil." Andy's voice shook with emotion.

He was looking in her eyes immediately, all his attention focused on her.

"Can you hold me?" Andy gave a shuddery breath as his eyes widened. "No one ever hugs me anymore, not like I need. I just need a hug."

Second, minutes, hours could have passed but neither of them would have noticed. They sat on the couch, embracing, and not a word was said. They were comfortable with the silence, content to simply be in the others presence.

"They're not back," Andy finally spoke. Her hold on the boy not loosening a bit. "They aren't going to be coming back."

"But you keep in touch with them?" Quil spoke gently, cautious of the topic.

Andy nodded against her place on his shoulder.

"At least once a day. E-mail, text, phone, we speak any way possible but they just won't come home."

Quil pulled her closer, tightening his hold. He might not like the family, but he would learn to if they truly made his girl happy.

"You can't tell Bella." She had pulled away from him before he had even realized. Her eyes boring into his. "No one can know, especially not Bella."

Andy searched his eyes, his face for anything that might give away his intentions. His eyes clear and bright.

"I won't tell," he mumbled. Andy could feel the honest pulling t her heart.

"You promise?" She asked with a cheeky grin.

Quil chuckle lightly and pulled her back against him. "Yeah, I promise."

Andy grinned into his collar bone. As her worry fled her body, she playfully bit the bone. She felt him jumped in her arms. Taking advantage of the moment, she turned her face into the crook of his neck and bite him gently.

She had read, as well as over-heard, that it was a spot used for something on the more playful side. Something that could give one a sense of pleasure.

From the way she stilled, she figured she had done it correctly. Running her nose along his neck and across his jaw ever so gently, she released the breath she had been holding. His eye lashes fluttered I response, a blush spreading across his cheeks. From what she could tell. His eyes were glazed over.

"We should really take a look at your finger," she breathed in his ear.

She stood up and moved away from him, walking back to the kitchen with a pep in her step. Well aware of his eyes following her. Glancing back, she was able to catch the look of utter disbelief written on his face. 



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im not sure what this even is but i at least broke through the writers block for this story!! 


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