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She walked through the halls to the cafeteria. She didn't feel like eating, she couldn't stomach it. She passed by many people on her way, all gave her strange looks.

Andy hated school. many people viewed her as the strange girl that skipped a grade and had the occasional anxiety or panic attack in class. The girl that sat by herself in the halls and constantly wore sweaters.

Bella didn't try to seek her out either and it made everything worse. They had become the weird Swan girls, the sick Swan girls. It was horrible being so close to her sister, someone she loved so completely, yet feeling like they were miles apart.

Ducking her head, she walked through the cafeteria trying to draw as little attention to her as possible. She could feel eyes on her as she passed. Pulling into herself she tried to appear smaller. The pity seeping into her made tears rise to her eyes. It was all too much, the pity of the people surrounding her was overwhelming.

Andy grabbed an apple and a few carrots before hurrying from the room to her hallway. Everyday she came here to try and feel some connection towards Alice or Jasper, just as her sister would sit at the Cullen table.

"Want to join me for lunch?" Andy thought her head crack at how quickly she looked up. No one had ever spoken to her in all the time that she sat here. She looked to her sister in surprise, she had never broken her tradition in school, she never spoke to her anymore.

"Join you?" She manged to choke out.

"Yeah, I was going to sit with Mike and Jessica again," Bella explained, scratching the back of her neck.

Andy felt herself nod and stand to her feet, but her mind was having trouble catching up. She hadn't notice that she had gravitated towards her sister until they were standing behind her friends, the action being completely natural.

"It's true," Bella spoke, announcing their presence. "My dad's been getting reports from these hikers about these huge bears."

"Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend," some guy spoke. She believed his name to be Eric, but it could've been Ben. She honestly didn't care.

The blond one she remembered to be Mike looked between the sisters before focusing on Bella.

"So, Bella's back?" Mike asked at the same time as Angela, "Are you going to join us Andy?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," Bella agreed. Andy simply nodded and gave her a smile.

Andy was silent most of the time but no one really mentioned it, most of them were familiar with how quiet and withdrawn she was.

It was strange to be around Bella so often now, considering how strained their relationship was for the past few months. When the Cullen's were around, she was cast to the sidelines. When the Cullen's were gone, it was like she didn't exist.

Andy felt out of place with these people, her sister included, but at least she felt like Bella was trying.


She stared at her phone screen as she sat in her fathers car. She wanted to send an email to Jasper, but she knew that he would never get it or at least never look at it. Every message she had sent him was either returned or left unanswered.

Typing in a few words, she immediately erased them. She had a feeling that they would continue to go unanswered. She had a feeling that they didn't matter, that she didn't matter.

Arriving outside Quil's house, Andy felt like her heart was going to soar. She didn't bother saying bye to her father before hopping out and rushing to the door. It was opened immediately by a grinning Quil.

"Hey Drea," he spoke, his hands twitched at his sides.

Andy reveled in the fact that she had noticed, these past few months she had felt completely out of touch with herself by skipping over details that she would normally notice.

Acting on his reaction, she dropped her bag to the ground and threw herself at him, wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt him stumble sightly but his arms moved around her in return.

Over his shoulder she could make out Embry sitting on the couch in front of the television watching the pair. She could make out school work spread out, some snacks lying around and some type of spots game playing in the background.

"Embry's watching us," she whispered into his ears. "It's kinda freaking me out."

Quil laughed as placed her back down, his hand lingering by her waist.

Andy loved being in LaPush, it felt much more welcoming. Reflecting on her day, she couldn't help but make out how much her mood has changed when she got here, like all her troubles were suddenly gone.

"Hey Andy," Embry calls enthusiastically, making her cringe at how enthusiastic he was. "Bella at Jake's again?"

"Uh- not toady, I think she's at work," her voice was small, almost a whisper. "Charlie was heading to Billy's so I asked for a lift."

Embry just nodded along, not minding how quiet she was, before turning back to his work.

Andy watched as Quil frantically moved his papers and books around. Her own bag was at her side filled with work that she had yet to complete. She was never behind, but most of it wasn't done to the best of her abilities.

"What are you working on?" She asked, startling herself as she was the first to try and make conversation.

"History," the boys groaned.

She nodded slowly and picked up a paper. It was easy in her eyes, having already done all the work. "You don't like the subject?"


"Hmm, well I can help if you want," she spoke, moving to hold the material of Quil's shirt firmly. "I've already done it all."

"How?" Embry breathed.

"I did it all a few years ago. I skipped two years, remember?"

Quil beamed from beside her. "That's my girl! Isn't she smart?"

She ducked her head in embarrassment as the boy ranted on about how smart she was.

"Wait!" Embry interrupted. "Two grades?"

"Yeah, this is my last year. I'm graduating this year."

Quil sent himself into another rave about her. Andy giggled softly at his antics, loving how strange he was. Loving how he called her his girl.


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hey hey! filler part two!!

*groaning because new moon is actually hella boring and doesn't have much of a plot to work with.*

Troubled Minds | Quil Ateara [2]Where stories live. Discover now