Vingt et Un

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Time was a funny thing. Andy knew that you can't change time but she also knew that time depended on the moment. You could spend your life, letting things pass you by if you weren't careful. She knew that life depended on the moments because one second with the right person could mean everything, yet the same could be said as well. Time could pass you I the blink of an eye or it could stretch on like the endless sky.

Andy felt like she spent most of her time crying. A waste to the potential that buzzed within her. Time. We were all running out of time because a one point, our time will be up.

Squished against Bella and the door to the red Chevy cab, Andy found herself contemplating about time. Crying as she realized that Harry Clearwater, a man that she had known since she was young, no longer had any time left.

She couldn't help but feel guilty in some way, even if she knew that it wasn't her fault. The man had suffered from heart attack and there was nothing that she oud have done for him. But then she was reminded of how she went after her sister, how she could have died by Bella's side. It would have killed her father to lose them both.

"Andy?" Bella whispered cautiously. "Are you alright?"

She sniffled, her eyes were sore, her body ached and her cuts stung. Both Jacob and Bella had been eyeing her the entire rid home, the gazes constantly narrowing on the various marks that marred her pale skin.

"I'm fine," her voice broke before a soft sob eft her again. She wanted to cringe at how much she had been crying lately.

"What happened? How did you get so hurt?" Jacob pushed.

She felt herself hesitating. She didn't know what to say to them. "I was in the woods earlier. I got a little lost."

"The woods?" he seethed "What happened?"

"I got lost," she repeated.

"Andy, it's okay. He knows about everything, so you could just tell us," Bella soothed.

Andy bit her lip before slowly reaching for Bella's hand. Her sister had used that voice often with her. It was gentle and loving, a tone she used when she was caring for her. She gripped Bella's hand tightly and tried to sink into her seat; wanting to disappear.

"I ran into Victoria," she mumbled. She jumped and moved closer into Bella's side as Jacob released an inhuman growl. "She was in the woods. Then I saw her in the water, she was coming towards you."

Jacob's body shook, his knuckles were white against the steering wheel and muscles taunt. Andy was scared of him, of the boy that was sat a few short feet away from her.

She wanted out the truck. Looking through the windshield, she sighed in relief when she saw they were pulling up to their house.

A sleek black car sat out front. It was expensive, something that most everyone in this town could never afford. She knew the car; she had seen it before.

"That's Carlisle's car," Bella mumbled as she stared forward in shock.

"What?" Jacob's anger lashed at Andy, and the girl flinched.

The boy turned the wheel harshly, spinning them so that he could turn back the way they came.

"Alice," Andy gasped out.

Her hand reached for the door handle but stopped as the door was locked. She sent a glare at Jacob as he began to drive down the road.

Unlocking the door manually, Andy thrust it open and jumped out of the moving truck.

She could hear them yelling after her, hear the screech of the tires as she landed on her side. Pain shot through her shoulder and she knew that she had to be bleeding from somewhere. Standing on shaky legs, she thanked the adrenaline that pushed through her veins. Momentarily distracted from her pain, she ran to her house.

"Andrea!" Bella called. She could hear her sister fighting to get out of the truck.

"Andy, come back! I can't protect you if the bloodsuckers are back!" Andy shuddered at how angry he sounded.

She continued forward, pausing at the front door.

"It's Alice, I know it. She would never hurt me," she called to them confidently.

Pushing open the front door, she looked around the dark house. It was cold, a sign that it had been empty for a while. She let the door close with a soft click. Her hands shook in anticipation.

Movement caught her eye. A tiny girl with porcelain skin rose from the couch. The vampire was dressed beautifully, as was usual. Topaz eyes stared back at her with wonder.

"You changed your hair," Andy remarked quietly. She was unable to stop the sob that left her.

She was moving forward, clearing the couch and launching herself at Alice. Andy clung to her like her life depended on it. Every cell of her being was focused on the vampire that was previously occupying the couch in the most mundane of fashions.

"How are you here? I saw you die!" Alice whispered, her arms held the small human as if she was the most precious gift. "Bella jumped off a cliff, and the you were rushing into the water after her. You never came up. I waited and waited but then nothing."

Andy looked up to Alice's face, her heart clenched when she seen the tears tat would never shed blurring topaz eyes.

"Jacob came, he helped me get her out. God, and Victoria was here, she tried to kill me just twice today and I'm so happy that you're here because everything is a mess," Andy cried into her cold shoulder. Her body was slumped, tired.

"I won't leave, not yet so don't worry," Alice reassured her gently. "Why don't you head up and take a warm shower. I'll meet you in a few moments."

Andy felt herself nod. Her legs moved by there own accord towards the stairs. Her mind reeled with the day's events and she just wanted to sleep.

"You're going to have to call Jasper as well. He's been rampaging since I left and won't believe me if I tell him that you're alright."

Andy laughed lightly and found herself agreeing with the pixie. She wouldn't mind speaking to Jasper anyways.

She relished in the warm water, her fingers had long ago wrinkled and pruned. She felt much better, but she had an inkling that she was going to be sick, very sick. Her head was pounding and her entire side hurt.

Glancing down to her body, she was still not use to how horrific she looked. Claw marks that looked like long cat scratches littered her torso. Victoria had gone for her neck and chest, the occasional attack to her neck and face. Arm and legs were covered in ugly bruises; disgusting hand marks were wrapped around her arms, splotches of bruising across her back. On her face she shamefully wore a dark mark from where the evil redhead had slapped her.

None of this added to the fact that Andy had thrown her self out of a moving truck, bruising and cutting up her side. Her shoulder must have been dislocated, or sprained or something.

I'm full of brilliant ideas today, Andy thought bitterly.

Grudgingly, she turned off the water and wrapped herself in a towel. Stumbling to her room, she sighed as she heard raised voiced downstairs.


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I don't even know what this is? Alice is back? Filler chapter at the ending of the story?

Eyo, so the ending is near. WARNING! I don't think any of you will like it.


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