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Wondering along the beach, Andy searched for her sister. Spring break had just started and Lynn had somehow convinced the girl to talk to her, to sit down and work things out.

It wasn't the worst thing that could happen, Andy cold admit to that. She missed her older sister, missed the sense of security she felt when she was with her. These past few months he had felt as if she was in some kind of limbo, being pulled in so many different directions that she felt sick.

Feelings, little sensations of tugging and twisting was something new. She had spoken about it with Alice extensively, the pair coming to the conclusion that it was some kind of new gift that came with being a Valerian. Alice had wared her, to never ignore the feeling because it could mean something.

The Cullen's believed it to be some kind of foreboding, a little warning to herself that something bad was coming. Andy believed them whole-heartedly.

It was one thing to blindly follow someone, but it was something else entirely to trust in their guidance and knowledge. Carlisle was old and experienced, she trusted in him.

She rusted in the knowledge that she received about Valerian's, but she also learned to follow her instincts a little more. She knew to differentiate between false truth and reality.

Andy now knew that what was believed about a Valerian taking away your negative emotions was absolutely true. However, when it came to healing, that was something that people had gotten painfully wrong. She couldn't out right heal someone, the best she could do was take the injuries away from them and transfer them to herself; she figured that if she ever got to the point where she was some kind of healer, then it would require a lot of time and energy that she just didn't have.

She had also learned, that her blood ran slightly colder than others, her skin nearly always cold to the touch. It had taken many phone calls and emails to figure out that she shared her body heat with others naturally as a way to ensure that others were comfortable. That she was deadly pale because she always had a constant silver touch to her skin, a sign that she was healing other mentally. According to Jasper, if she was trying to do it purposely, she would gain a silver glow to her hands.

The same could be said about healing people physically, something she had accidently done the other day when Bella had cut her hand cooking. Andy had witness her hands glow a soft gold, followed by a relatively deep cut appearing on her palm.

She remembered fainting, feeling a drain of energy. She woke up in the hospital with stitches and a new scar. The bright side was, she had her cast removed.

The most important thing she earned though was that being a valerian sucked.

She absolutely hated it, and resorted to hiding away in isolated places with as few people as possible. Lynn or Quil always tried to accompany her but they seemed to be busy with last minute things before they had the chance to enjoy their break.

The feeling in her stomach grew to the point that she could no longer ignore it. It was a tug, drawing her towards the trees that led to the denser part of the forest and the trail that led to the cliffs.

Not wanting to get lost in the woods, she hoped that she was being led to the cliffs.

Her mind wandered over random things as she walked, her fingers fiddled with her sleeves as she grew anxious. The tug pulled her further, towards sections that she had never seen. She let her eyes scan everything, staring in awe at how tall and full the trees looked.

There were torn up roots and broken branches. Everything looked a mess, like there was some large animal that had crashed through. It made her uneasy; something wasn't right here.

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