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Andy was comfortable laying next to Quil, his arms lazily draped around her. The pair had moved to his room and now just talked to pass the time.

"Bella and Jake basically kicked me out," she mumbled.

"Your sister is really at Jake's?" disbelief clear in his voice.

Andy frowned. "Yeah, why?"

"He has the biggest crush on her," Quil snorted. "If I didn't know any better, I would say he's in love with her."

She turned slightly and studied his face. Her fingertips moved on their own accord. He was truly beautiful. It was different from the Cullen's.

The Cullen's beauty was eerie, it drew you in because they were physically perfect. Quil was different. His eyes wrinkled when be smiled, his hair never looked proper but it was just as nice. His skin was soft and warm, something she took great comfort in.

He was different from the Cullen's, but she just thought that it was because he wasn't dead like they were.

"She's still in love with him," Andy mutters. "Edward. She loves him even if he left her behind. I can tell how much she's really hurting. She use to have night terrors, even now I'm pretty sure she still has them."

"The Cullen's aren't good enough for you, either of you," he blurts. "Any sane person would never have left you behind."

Looking into his eyes, she can tell how truthful he was being. Instead of answering, she tucked her head under his chin, nuzzling close.

Ever so softly she placed a kiss to the hollow of his throat.

Fluttering her eyes, Andy looked around unsure of where she was. She didn't remember falling asleep, but she felt a lot more refreshed than she had in the past few months.

To her side laid Quil, his breathing soft and gentle. Shifting slowly, she admired the way his lashes cast shadows on his cheeks, curls falling lightly over his forehead.

She felt like she was being strange, that she shouldn't have the right to look at someone when they were so vulnerable. She couldn't help it. Her eyes took in the details. The way his nose had a slight curve, and the shape of his jaw, and the way his bottom lip was fuller then the top. She loved how his lips constantly have a slight smile. Andy would be satisfied just by looking at his face all day.

Hesitantly, she reached her hand up and caressed his cheek. His skin was soft and warm, warmed than her own by far. From this close she could see small freckles and the occasional scars, reminding herself to ask him the stories of them later.

A hand reached out and took her by the waist, spinning her around so she was on her facing down at the boy. She sputtered in confusion after letting out a small squeal.

"Hey there," he whispered.

"What are you doing? Why am I on top of you?"

Quil was silent for a moment. "Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"No , it's fine. Just a little confusing." She felt heat rush to her face.

"I like to have you close to me," he tells her, his ears tinting red.

The pair watched each other closely. Andy felt herself slowly leaning down when she heard a truck horn, followed by the slamming of a door.

"Andy!" She heard her sister call.

Sighing, she pulled away. Sitting next to him on the bed, she fidgeted with the sleeves of her sweater.

"My sisters here."

Quil frowned and pulled one of her hand into his. "When are you gonna be back? Or should I come to see you?"

"You don't mind me coming over then?"

The boy shook his head furiously. "No, I love to see you."

Andy smiled widely. "I'll come over next time Bella does."

From outside, Bella honked her trucks horn again. The younger sister's sighed, her sister never use to be this impatient.


She didn't want to be alone with Bella again, especially after spending so much time without her. Andy knew that her sister couldn't control the way she felt, the way she made Andy feel, but she couldn't stand the despair and pain Bella made her feel.

"Did you have fun with Quil?" Andy glanced to her sister. They never use to be this awkward and she couldn't help but find that Bela sounded a lot like a parent.

"Yeah, it was nice," She mumbled, trying to dismiss the conversation.

Andy felt awful. She didn't blame her sister for it, not entirely, but it was still mostly her fault. Andy use to want to be with Bella more than anything, now she could barely deal with a car ride.

"I'm planning on going back to Jake's again tomorrow, if you want to come."

She looked at Bella slightly confused. Her sister never went out to see people this much, especially not amymore. It was a little unsettling.

"Yeah, I could always go for seeing Quil."

Andy looked back out the window, missing the pointed look her sister sent her.

"What's going on between you two?"

She remained silent for a few moments. She wasn't exactly sure, she just knew how she felt for him. His feelings were his own. She could only specify that they were positive, seeing as how thry don't influence her.

"I don't know," Andy mumbled. "I don't know how he feels but I like him a lot."

Being with him felt normal, safe. It was as easy as breathing with him.

"He's crazy for you. I can tell just by the way he looks at you."

Andy felt an ache in her heart, spreading to the rest of her chest. Her head began to pound at Bella's emotions.

She felt a sense of hatred blossom in her towards her sister and quickly looked away.


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Soo this is basically a short cute fluff filler.

On another note.

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