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Blinking slowly, as if in a daze, she held her breath waiting for it to make sense. From what she could understand, Lynn, Jared's sister, kissed her.

Andy felt like her head was foggy, logic slowly creeping towards her. All she could focus on was the fact that it was her first kiss. She had always imagined that Quil would kiss her for the first time, but now Lynn had kissed her.

"What the hell?" Jared was the first to speak, his voice lost all previous friendliness. His body visibly trembled with rage, something that was both interesting and frightening to Andy.

The girl ignored her brother, focusing solely on Andy. "Are you okay now?"

Andy felt herself nod, unsure of what to say. Her mind still felt blank.

"Your wrist looks pretty bad," the younger girl pointed out. "Let's get you inside. My mom should be home any minute."

Andy let herself be guided by the girl, following her blindly.

The Cameron home was similar in structure to many of he houses on the reservation, and like many of the homes it was warm and comfortable.

The boys lingered behind them, Jared still visibly upset.

"I'm sorry for that," Lynn apologized. "I was just trying-"

"It's okay," Andy interrupted, she pulled on the sleeves of her sweater. "You were just trying to help. I remember reading somewhere that holding your breath can help with an attack."

"Kissing is a smart and easy way to hold your breath," Lynn finished with a smile.

"What would you know about kissing?" Jared questioned his sister. Both girls ignored him.

"It's good to know it works," Andy grinned.

"I'm still sorry for just kissing you like that.

Andy looked at her and shrugged. It was strange for her to feel this comfortable around someone she had just met.

"It's okay. It wasn't all that bad." The Swan girl felt her ears heat up at the looks she was receiving and tried to push away her blush.

From the corner of her eye she could see Jared shuddering as his friends tried to calm him. Focusing on him, she wondered why she was only now feeling the heat in her stomach that she easily identified as his anger.

Breathing shakily, she tried to channel his anger away by focusing on the pain in her wrist instead.

"Let's see your wrist then." Andy noted the way that Lynn only spoke to her.

Pulling up the sleeve, everyone stood. The girls gasped at how bad her wrist was, at the amount of bruising that became a bracelet around her wrist. The others stared in anger and horror.

Andy picked up n their behavior easily, observing people was something that came easily to her. Following their gaze, she was able to make out a few of the ugly scars that laid on her arms. The teeth marks left by the tracker weren't noticed unless one knew what to look for.

She pulled her sleeve down.

Lynn looked confused before turning her attention to the other people present.

"You aren't needed anymore," she snapped. "She's fine with me."

Only once the young Cameron girl had forced them out of the home did Andy relax slightly. Her scars were something she would never accept as part of her body. Her skin was forever damaged and ruined in her eyes.

"You don't like them?" Andy mumbled in question.

Lynn regarded her before answering. "I don't like new people very much, especially Jared's new friends. He started hanging around them and turned into a different person."

Andy nodded along. It reminded her of Bella, first it was the Cullen's, now it was Jake and her friends. Bella wasn't the same. Hell, Bella hardly acknowledge her anymore and no matter how much she hated her for it, Andy continued to feel a tremendous amount of love for her.

"I understand."


Sitting on the couch with her new cast, she tried to stay awake until the pizza arrived. Charlie and Andy had decided that it would be best to just order in seeing as how Bella still wasn't home. She wondered if her sister even took notice of her absence.

"Dad," Andy began slowly. "What do you know of Sam Uley?"

Her father continued to watch his baseball game, trying to form an answer.

"He is a great young man," his voice was gruff. "He saved both you and your sister."

"He hardly saved me dad," she mumbled.

"Still, he's a very respectable young man."

Nodding distractedly, she thought back to the way he reacted to her scars. How had he even seen her scars. There was something off about those boys. A vampire's bite wasn't meant to be visible.

"Isn't that your phone?"

Andy jumped in surprise and went on a hunt for the stupid device.

Reaching her room she saw her screen illuminated to an unknown number and frowned, she didn't remember giving her phone number to anyone.

The ringing stopped before she had the chance to answer confusing her further. Looking at her notifications she didn't find anything out of the ordinary. A multiple texts from Jessica about shopping, some from Angela, a few from classmates asking about homework. Reading the message from Embry, she found out that he was sick and swiftly replied with wishes for his health.

She ignored the missed calls and texts from Jake, Bella and Quil. She couldn't, wouldn't just answer them when they pushed her aside like she was easily available when it was convenient for them.

The only odd thing was the unknown number.

Ringing caused her to jump again as the mystery number called. Weighing her options, she answered the call.

"Hello?" Andy asked hesitantly.

"Andy! Oh thank the Lord! We were so worried."

Shocked, the phone slipped from her hand and clattered to the floor. Unable to wrap her head around it, she was convinced it was a joke. They wouldn't just call for no reason, not after so long.

Grasping her phone in a tight grasp, she took a deep breath before bringing it to her ear.

"Jasper?" she whispered.


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