Chapter 8 - Timothy

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I hope you'll realize how much you're hurting me some day.

-A half hour later-

Kayleigh's POV

I stepped out of the car, waved to Eddie, then opened the door to the small orphanage.

"Hey Kayleigh!" Madam Ruth greeted me.

   I smiled and gave her a hug. "Hello Madam." I said. "Is Timothy around today?"

   Madam Ruth smiled sadly at me. "Yes, he is. In his office, just knock before you go in." She said.

   "Thanks Madam." I said, hugging her again before I walked down the narrow hall to a door close to the end.

   I knocked on the door, then waited for an answer.

   "Come in." Timothy said.

   I opened the door and walked into the office, then shut the door behind me.

   Timothy looked at me. "That bad?" He asked.

   I looked at him through tear filled eyes and sat down. "My dad is going to try to take my baby away from me." I said.

   Timothy looked shocked. "Why?" He asked.

   "He said I'm too young. And he implied that he and my mother will do better at taking care of the baby then I will." I said.

   Timothy looked at me, shocked. "He would do that?" He asked.

   "Yes. I wouldn't put it past him. And apparently my husband is in full agreement." I said.

   Timothy sat back in his chair.

   "Can they do that?" I asked softly.

   Timothy thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. You are an adult, so in the eyes of the law, you are perfectly capable of taking care of your child. However, if your husband, more importantly the baby's dad, doesn't want the baby, then I'm not sure what your father can do." He said.

   "All my father has to do is bribe the judge." I said bitterly.

   Timothy smiled at me. "Kayleigh, you know that I'm a good lawyer." He said. "And I specialize in making sure things are fair."

   "My father is so powerful." I said.

   Timothy looked at me, then grabbed a paper. "Kayleigh, you won't lose your baby. I'll make sure of that. We for sure have seven months, your father can't take custody of the baby until it's born." He said, looking through the papers.

   "So what do I do in the meantime?" I asked.

   Timothy looked at the papers for another minute. "Start by getting a job. Worst case scenario, we find a loophole in the arranged marriage contract, and you can, with a steady income, become a single parent." He said.

   "And I should save all that money just incase that isn't worst case scenario." I said.

   Timothy looked at me. "Kayleigh, save the money. But let me warn you, if you do run away, that will be something that can be used against you in court." He said.

   I smiled sadly. "I'll do anything. Even if I can just go away long enough to have my baby, and leave him or her with good parents. I will sacrifice my life for this baby. I can't let him or her grow up the way I did." I said, standing up.

    "Thanks Timothy. I'll keep in touch." I said, closing the door behind me as I left.


Hmmmmmm. Does she have someone on her side?

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