Chapter 39 - Instruction

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We're not all attention seeking.
We cover our wrists,
Keep our thoughts to ourselves,
And let no one in.

~The Next Morning~

Kayleigh's POV

   I opened my eyes, suddenly waking up as I saw the unfamiliar sight of a new room.

   I sat up, suddenly remembering everything that happened yesterday.

   I looked over at the door, making sure my backpack was still here. I walked over and opened it, pulling out a couple paper towels.

   I wiped my wet face with one, than used my water bottle to wet another one. I washed off my face quickly, then put the used paper towels in the garbage can.

   I changed into normal clothes quickly, then made sure everything was packed up in my backpack.

   I sighed and sat down on the bed. "What am I doing here?" I whispered.

   I flipped my pillow over so the wet side of it was hidden. "There." I whispered.

   I hugged the test, then put it into the hidden pocket of my backpack. "No one is going to take you away." I whispered to my belly.

   Tears started falling down my cheeks, and I sighed quietly. I grabbed another paper towel and wiped them away, then I smiled at my reflection in the mirror.

   Someone knocked on the door. "Kayleigh! Breakfast is served in fifteen minutes!" Hettie called out.

   "I can do this." I whispered, then took a deep breath before unlocking my door and walking out.

   "Morning Kayleigh! Did you sleep well?" Hattie asked.

I smiled. "Pretty well!" I said. "Can I help you with breakfast?"

Hettie laughed. "If you would like to. Could you cut those strawberries up please?" She asked.

"Sure!" I said, walking over to the box of strawberries.

Hettie handed me a knife and cutting board.

I grabbed some strawberries and started to cut them up. "Are these fresh?" I asked.

"Yes, we picked them two days ago." Hettie said.

I smiled.

"Ok, so while you're here, I better tell you the schedule for the day." Hettie said.

"Go ahead." I said.

Hettie dried her hands on a towel and grabbed a carton of eggs. "So. The kids get up at 8 and have breakfast right away." She said.

"Then, they get dressed, which Sean needs a little help with, and brush their teeth." She continued.

I put some strawberries into a bowl and continued listening to Hettie.

"You guys can do whatever you like until lunch time, play, go to the park, pretty much anything except watch television." Hettie said.

"What is for lunch?" I asked.

Hettie smiled. "Whatever you make. Tatum will be happy to help you cook, and Sean usually plays in the dining room while I cook." She said.

"The kids go down for naps at 1:30. Tatum stays in her room for at least an hour, and then she can come out if she didn't fall asleep. Sean will always fall asleep, and he needs to be woken up at 4:00 or he won't fall asleep tonight." Hettie continued.

"Timothy works weird hours, so he will be home as early as 4, and as late as 9. I will be home at 5, and I make dinner, so don't worry about that." Hettie said.

She laughed. "Did you get all that?" Hettie asked.

I smiled. "Yes, I think I did." I said. "And I finished cutting the strawberries."

"Go ahead and put them on the table, then wake up the kids. Eggs are almost ready." Hettie said.

"Sounds good." I said, leaving the kitchen.


OH MY FREAKIN IRENE!!! THIS BOOK IS AT 1K! Actually it completely surpassed 1K and is at 1.03K already!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!

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