Chapter 21 - Cloth

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I'm not sure if I'm depressed. I mean, I'm not sad. But I'm not exactly happy either. I can laugh and joke and smile during the day, but sometimes when I'm alone at night, I forget how to feel.


~a month later~

Kayleigh's POV

   I stepped into the house and looked around. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Jack and Jennie weren't around.

"Glad my boss and his girlfriend aren't around?" A voice asked.

"You scared me Gabe." I said.

"I'm sorry. I was just coming out to grab a pen." He said, then grabbed a pen from the front table and disappeared back into the office.

I sighed and walked into the kitchen. "Girlfriend? Jennie is his girlfriend now?" I asked aloud. "Well, I suppose when you sleep together six out of seven nights a week, you should be in a relationship."

I sighed again and set my things on the table. Jennie had no idea who I was of course. Jack had told her I was the cook. So now, I was expected to follow her orders.

"We will get out of this place." I whispered to my belly. "But it might be awhile."

I smiled and left the kitchen. I walked up the stairs, down the hall, and into my sewing room.

I looked at the large pile of clothes that needed delivering. "I'll take those tomorrow." I decided.

I set my things down, and then walked over to the bathroom.

    "Ok, let's see. I need-" I cut off talking as I saw a piece of paper on the counter.

    I looked around the room suspiciously, then picked up the paper.

    I looked at the piece of paper, which turned out to not be paper after all. It was a thin piece of cloth, and it looked like something was written on it.

   I looked around the bathroom again, then walked over to the window and looked out.

    I don't know what attracted my eyes to the picnic table that sat in the front yard, but something must have because my gaze was immediately drawn over there.

    I almost gasped as I saw that sitting in the table were a stack of thin cloth sheets just like the one I was holding.

   I backed up, and then quickly closed the window. "This must have blown up here." I whispered.

    I looked at the piece of cloth again. "The letters are so small, and so pale. There has to be something to make them show up more." I said aloud.

   I heard the front door open, and I quickly stuffed the cloth into my pocket before looking at the clock.

   5:00, the clock read. "Oh no no no. I am suppose to have dinner ready in a half hour." I said, quickly grabbing my apron, then rushing out of the room and down the stairs as fast as I dared.

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