Chapter 28 - Job

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I don't remember what it's like not to feel broken.

~the next day~
Kayleigh's POV

I stepped into the school building, smiling at the empty halls. I made my way to Principle Murry's office slowly, giving myself time to look around and get acquainted to my surroundings.

It's amazing how different the school looked today, and it's not just the part that it is empty right now.

Today, I'm here because I want to be, and I'm getting payed to be here. Wouldn't it be great if kids got payed to go to school?

"Kayleigh." Principle Murry said, smiling as I walked into her office. "How does it feel to have graduated?" She asked.

"Great." I said, smiling.

"Wonderful. Did you enjoy working in the kitchen yesterday?" Principle Murry asked.

"Yes, I did. Edna is great." I said.

"She is truly a blessing." Principle Murry said, looking through the papers on her desk.

"Edna has been asking for an assistant in the kitchen. We've had trouble filling that position because people think the way she talks is too difficult to understand." Principle Murry said.

   I smiled. "You just have to pay careful attention." I said.

   "And that's why I'm going to make you her assistant. I think that's the perfect place for you." Principle Murry said.

   I smiled. "Thank you." I said.

   "You're welcome. Now you'd best go tell Edna and get started." She said.

   I left the room. "Something went right for me." I whispered. "I got a job where I'll be out of sight most of the day."

Jennie's POV

I looked around the whole house, making sure no one was around. Then, with a smirk, I dialed Timothy's number.

"You did something stupid and messed the entire plan up didn't you?" He hissed.

I giggled. "Actually, I was calling to report on progress. I have a camera hidden in every room of the house. Even Kayleigh's precious sewing room." I said, laughing. "Now we will know why she spends so many hours in there."

"You made sure they record audio as well?" Timothy asked.

"I'm not dumb." I said.

"You've failed before. Many times I've had to bail you out of trouble." He replied.

"This time, I'm going to finish it." I said.

"And Gabe?" Timothy asked.

I smirked. "Gone. I've got Jack wrapped around my finger. I even got him to hire Kenny." I said.

"You're better at this then I thought." Timothy said.

"Last time isn't ever going to happen again." I said.

"I hope not. I'm not always going to be around to get you out of trouble. And we aren't always going to be working together." He said.

"After I finish here, I won't need you. I've got this under control. The David's aren't going to know what hit them." I said, smirking. 

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