Chapter 2: " Prestige over Heart "

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A Day Before..

  Swara was happy for her cousin marrying the guy she loves , and yet she wished the wedding hall wasnt filled with people who all had wise advise to her about getting married.  Swara knew and expected people to ask about her single status and still it bothered her when everyone she encountered asked her about it. She didnt want to marry, she didnt hate the idea of marriage but felt it was too early to think about it , she had dreams and aspirations about her life.

  So she went to hide in one of the rooms, hoping that no one would notice her absence and stumbled upon the groom heading towards her cousin room, she knew they were hopeless in love and felt a smile curl at her lips at the thought of a romantic moments between them, the wedding would commence soon and if her mom didn't see her in the mandap she would freak out, so Swara knew she only had around an hour of break and she was going to spend every single minute of them hiding away from her relatives .

  She glanced at her phone and typed a quick message to her sister " Hiding from every matchmaking relatives and will be there the minute the wedding gets over" . Her sister was advised best rest during her pregnancy and her brother in law choose to be with her, so Swara and her parents can attend the wedding.  Swara had been staying at her sister house the last two months ever since her sister got pregnant, she had been worried about her and when she reached 7 months , it felt right to stay with her to help her . 

  Then she looked up and saw her cousin running out of her room in tears not the response she expected when her fiancee stepped inside the room few minutes ago, she began running after her wondering what was wrong until she collided with her cousin  groom who looked every bit devastated as her cousin. 

 " What wrong, Why is ragini crying ?" She asked him instead, they hadn't talked much with each other but  apparently today she needed to speak with him .

 "  The Wedding is Off ," he answered back as he walked away leaving her confused and angry on her cousin behalf, Swara knew how much her cousin loved him and waited for this day.  By the time she found Ragini ,the rest of her family was around her.


 Swara hated wedding ,but she hated family meetings more than that because each time her family gathered to discuss an issue  it meant Chaos as everyone would argue with each other . And when something this big happens then everyone will have something to say irrespective of whether their suggestions were logical or not .

 She was hiding behind a pillar as she looked at her uncle Durga Prasad , he was her mother's brother and a man of few words , yet when he spoke up no one would dare to go against him and right now he was furious because his only daughter was crying . Beside them stood his wife silent and regal ,Swara always wondered how her aunt kept the calm facade even when things were spirally out of control .

  Then Swara eyes looked over her mom who was  silently crying along with ragini.  And she happened to glance at her father who looked disinterested in the family drama , everyone  looked intense with emotions running high . It was expected when the groom refuses to marry the girl, he proclaims to love. 

She understood his reasons, today there was supposed to be two wedding's Laksh, Ragini Fiancee and his cousin were getting married on the same day and she found out that his cousin Fiancee eloped at the last moment leaving him without a bride and Laksh didnt want to marry when his cousin was heartbroken. She understood his intentions but leaving Ragini heartbroken wasn't the solution.

 He did want to marry Ragini but not today, he had suggested a small wedding bit later but that was something her family couldn't accept because the wedding hall was filled with everyone they know and a broken wedding wasn't in the plan.

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