Chapter 40: "Second HoneyMoon "

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Hi guys, This has been an lovely ride. And all good rides come to an sad. So here we go the final chapter. Hope it lives up to your expectations. Sorry if it failed to do so. Also thanks for the continuous support guys. It means a lot.


Sanskar eyes slowly flickered open and took in his new surroundings, beside him was his wife still sleeping with her arms over his chest .

Instead of getting up and waking her by his movements, he decided to stay in the bed till she wakes up. It felt like a dream, the whole night seems like an beautiful dream .

Each moment they spent talking last night made him finally realize it was not a dream but a reality. When his wife asked him when he fell in love with her. He was not able to tell the exact moment. And she felt the same too. But one thing they both were sure of was they are deeply,madly in love with each other. They spend the night about everything, till they were both too tired to continue further .

His mind kept replaying her beautiful confession and the lovely kiss. And he was lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice is wife was up and staring at him with her beautiful round eyes.

"Good Morning Shona ,When did you get up, i didnt notice, " he spoke up , once his eyes found her smiling face.

"Good Morning to you too Sanskar. How will you notice when you were lost in your thoughts, Dont tell me you are thinking about work again? " his wife asked with a silly pout that wanted to make him laugh out loud but given he had indeed been to caught up in work that she has every right to be upset , he held back the laughter and tried to reassure her that wasn't the case.

"Well why would i think about work, My thoughts are just reserved for my beautiful wife at the moment" Sanskar spoke up, and was greeted with a smile as well as slight blush in his wife cheeks , and he found himself wishing to compliment her for hours just to see her happy .

"Really, So you are going to spend the whole day with me " his wife asked him with excitement bubbling over in her face

"Sorry Shona, I told you last night right. That i have still some work left, or else i would have caught up a late night flight and reached home instead of spending the night here . How about i go and finish the work asap. Then come back and take you out for lunch ? " Sanskar spoke up , the deal was signed so he should be able to leave early late night but he was asked to meet up for a short meeting today as well which was the reason he chosen to stay the night in Hotel instead of catching the flight back home .

" I remember, but what will i do in an empty room till you come back. It is going to be a long boring day without you, cant i come with you to the office ?" Swara asked him again.

" Swara, i wish i could take you but the meeting will last for just an hour , stay in the room for just one hour and i will be back soon " Sanskar spoke up , and it bothered him that her smile faded at his pronouncement and then she looked up to him resigned to his decision

" Fine, but do come soon" his wife answered back giving him permission to leave .

"I will be back before you miss me " Sanskar assured her back as he got out of the bed to get ready

" That not possible, i am going to start missing you the moment you step out of the room " her hesitant words made him stop in his tracks .

" Well in that case, How about you convince me to stay?" Sanskar asked his wife determined to make her smile and not feel bad about him leaving her alone in the room

" Hmmm, How can i convince you to stay. Tell me if i can do it i will " his wife spoke up, determined with a small smile on her face.

" Well you just have utter those three magical words, you told me last night, and then my small resolve to go to work will also get lost and i will decide to stay with my wife instead of going to meet the business partners, I will stay with my life partner "Sanskar answered back and as expected his wife smiled at him back at those words .

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