Chapter 29 :" Signs of Falling in Love"

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Her concerned voice made Sanskar feel a lot better than how he felt few seconds ago. He couldn't sleep after how there conversation ended , while he still could hear her muffled crying sounds from under the blanket. The sounds stopped after awhile and he knew she was asleep but he couldn't  before seeing her smiling face one more time. 

He has seen those tears only just once before tonight and that day even when they were both total strangers he hated it and now to realize he was the reason for the tears made it a lot worse than how he felt the first time. He decided he needed to bring back her smiling face and see it one more time before he could sleep so he waited for her to wake up ,and he fully expected her to be angry or hurt or upset at him but instead there she is standing before him with an expression that only indicates she is concerned for him.

There was not a hint of anger,hurt or sadness in that face and Sanskar already feel like a weight is lifted off his chest now if only he could make her smile one more time then he could finally be happy just like how he was before that one conversation. But before he could say any more she sat beside him and smiled at him, and it was more than enough to soothe his nervousness about them because for a moment he feared he would have lost her forever.

And When she gently placed her hands over his and gave him an bright smile that kind of brought a faint smile in his face as well . And the smile rested in his face as she began to talk to fill the silence between them

" Sanskar, I never meant to hurt you by my actions either. I have been thinking about our marriage for so long that when i finally made the decision, i wasnt expecting a No from your side . But it not your fault solely mine that  i forgot to take your perspective into consideration and i am sorry that i acted out like an someone  who couldn't see your point of view.

 Unlike you who didn't get to sleep, i slept peacefully and i am finally able to not let my emotion cloud my reactions. I wanted an marriage where i would feel like your equal and yet i have failed to give equal importance to how you feel ,I am sorry about that and since Love is an important factor for you.  We will wait till it happens before deciding on our future.

Just like you waited for me to decide , i will also wait till you fall in love with me  Mr .Maheshwari. I don't know whether you can fall in love with me or not. But now it your time to find it out as the decision from my side is over and now the ball is on your court , and i promise to take the answer No and Yes both like an good girl without crying and making you lose sleep. Also  Sanskar this was not such a big issue that you need to stay awake the whole night and worry about it. Now get up and go to sleep " Swara spoke up calmly and for Sanskar could see that she meant those words ,she spoke to him.

 Sanskar Maheshwari has been thinking a lot the whole night on how to make Swara understand him and let go of her anger ,but here she is apologizing to him and talking about all the things he wanted to talk about as well . Plus she did smile and that made him forgot everything that happened last night .

However she is still missing one important part of his decision. He wants both of them to be in love with each other before deciding to stay in the marriage and not just him.  He can say it to her now and cause another discussion or let it slide for now and keep the smile on her face intact , the decision is his and Sanskar took the tough road as he wants to be truthful to Swara at all times.

" The moment i saw your smile had been enough to make me feel better  and i am really happy you are no longer angry at me and more than that i am happy that you are no longer sad. But Swara you have been wrong about just one small thing, i never wanted to marry the girl i love, i want to marry when i find a girl and we both happen to love each other.

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