Chapter 32 :" The Fear of Losing Him"

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 Two Weeks Later 

 Swara Sanskar Maheshwari looked at her sleeping husband and felt like she got the most precious gift God can give to her. Her husband keeps making her happy every single day.

The last two weeks has got to be the best time of her life ever. She loved every minute of it, while she spend most of her time watching tennis live in the stadium , he still managed to add surprise plans all the time.

 Some time it was taking her out for dinner or lunch in one of NY famous restaurant and sometime they tried street foods that looked too appetizing to ignore .

Some time he took her for shopping where she shopped till she could no more ,her luggage space tripled by now due to this visit .

And often they do revisit the tourist spots one more time like  taking a walk on Brooklyn bridge in the early morning of renting a bicycle and riding it close to sunset . He also took her to several tourist spots that she never knew about before but she loved his surprises and they even went on trekking yesterday which was the reason he was tired today that he sleeping past his original schedule .

While the action packed schedule and all kept them occupied and entertained, Swara found herself enjoying the quiet moments when it just two of them in their hotel room more , chatting about where they went that day, or talking about Sanskar or her life before marriage or talking about their family and friends were the common discussions.

It paved way for  both of them to get to know each other  better than before, each day she finds a new side of Sanskar and often gets surprised by her side as well . Because the person who was with Sanskar is different in a way she wasn't used to before more carefree, more happy and more daring because he was by her side .

Swara  has read one of the signs of falling in love was always hoping to spend some time alone with that person and loving every minute you spend with that person more than anything ,and She does  love spending time with Sanskar the most in this trip then all the other new things, she happen to do for the first time.

She doesn't know if she is in love or not but she sure thinks that she is at least half way there and it will happen very soon or that what she hopes  because she cant or doesn't want to lose  him from her life  and she know that Sanskar wont stay in this marriage if they both are not in love.


It had been an hour since they were back in the room after the brief trip to the museum . After the trek yesterday ,Sanskar didn't want to exhaust Swara so they skipped the tennis match in favor of museum and by the time they returned back , she was tired that he planned to skip his other plan but she refused to let tiredness get in the way .

"Give me ten minutes to freshen up and we can ,  Since you wont tell me the destination as always  , at least tell me what is the dress code. I don't want to wear something that make me singled out in the crowd" Swara spoke up as she opened the wardrobe in the hotel room and found the gift box he kept before leaving for the museum.

" Sorry i forget about that, i was planning to give it to you .But it totally slipped my mind. "he answered back once she took the gift Into her hands and turned towards him in question

At his gesture to open up first, she opened the gift to find the dress she liked in one of her shopping trip and refused to buy when she saw the price tag ,he expected her to recognize the dress but she looked like she liked it but no recognized dawned on her face

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