Chapter 21 :" A Goodbye Present"

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One Month Later 

The next one month went faster than anyone anticipated. Uttara couldnt stay away from her brothers for so long that she quickly mended her relationship with them the next day. And the four of them had lot of fun together, sometime Sujatha joined them and sometime Uttara decided to spend sometime alone with her mom and so giving her brothers some privacy too enjoy there married life. She acted both as a cupid and spoil sport . But mostly cupid . Then the time she had was over and soon she was on the plane after her long farewell that left all of them in tears.

  Uttara had about thousands of picture of her family she took in the holidays with them in her phone ,so was taken back when her new sisters gifted her a photo album the night before her departure. " Sanskar told me that you like to have the pictures in an album than phone, so we decided to gift one to you" Swara bhabhi had told her which made her delighted about their thoughtful gift

She already missed them within minutes of separating from them. So she opened up the huge album her new sisters carefully organized for her ,so that she could see it whenever she misses them . The first picture was the newly taken group photo of the family, Uttara was kissing her aunt cheek in the picture as her brother stood beside both of them followed by their bhabhi. Uttara insisted on having at least one photo together when she first happened to see the wedding album .So each time the group get dressed up or go somewhere fun the moments were all captured in the pics.

The next one was the first time all five of them went out for dinner, Lakshya surprised Ragini bhabhi with a western dress and when  she said no to wear it ,  he went to enlisted the help of her and Swara bhabhi. To make Ragini feel comfortable Swara bhabhi and her got dressed up in the western clothes and when Ragini bhabhi entered in her traditional saree  Uttara coyly asked her to wear something similar   as well ,even to the point of  willing to lend one of her dresses that Ragini decided to wear her husband gift after all. 

   After few minutes of shyness, Ragini bhabhi grew comfortable in them that Uttara relaxed because she didnt want to force her bhabhi to wear anything that she hated,they had a fun time together that night as well ,though her brothers spend half of the time staring at there respective wifes.

Then there was the picture where they all went shopping together including her aunt. Uttara had managed to buy close to half of the shop and waited for her brothers protest that never happened, at times there inability to say no to her moved her to tears. If it something they can do for her, her brother would never hesitate a second but that day she shopped mostly for her new bhabhi, she felt bad that she hadnt been able to gift Swara bhabhi anything when she first arrived and even then she didnt fail to notice that her brother had secrets been buying things as well, usually it was just for her and her aunt  but that day she knew the presents were for their wives as well. 

As she turned the album, she found the picture  that was taken when they all went to see a movie together ,After a brief debate, her brother capitulated to watch a romance movie when they fell short of a vote as the three girls choose romance over action, Uttara liked the newness of it because before it had been just her and her two brother that she had watched a fair share of action movies than romance, it felt good to be in the majority when it suited her purpose after all.

 Every page was filled with some nice memory. Their visit to the beach, their visit to the theme park ,their visit to Adarsh bhai house and Uttara holding the  new baby in her hand and demanding she get one from both of her bhabhi as well  making them blush much to her delight .There visit to almost all sight seeing places in the city.

 There were also several pictures taken when they there in the house most of them with her aunt since she didnt join their visits often .There was  one taken when they all watched a movie together, one where they all played cricket in the garden, the pics from Ragini bhabhi birthday party which had the whole family of Ragini and Swara as well including pari  di and Adarsh bhai with the new baby, the pics when they all celebrated the festivals during the month,also the pics taken during the family functions such as Adarsh baby naming ceremony , the little baby was named Rahul. Looking at the pics brought so much wonderful memories . 

Uttara wanted to become close with her bhabhi when she first traveled back home  but she didnt realize just how close she could get to them till she had to leave them, her brothers even though spend most of the time with her, resumed to go to work after the first week, making them only available during the evenings and weekends . Leaving the girls to bond well in the mean time. After seeing the pictures to her heart content she closed the album and hoped time goes fast this year and she could get back to her family soon.


  Sujatha Maheshwari looked at the sad faces all around her , everyone were sad after Uttara left none more than her but she gathered them all around her to give them Uttara gift, She knew everyone spoiled Uttara including her now late husband, no one had been able to say no to her and it was a miracle that the girl grew to be so selfless and sweet. Yet it came as a surprise to her when Uttara spoke to her last night before her departure.

" Your sister had left something for each of you and asked me to hand it over to you after she left" Sujatha spoke up as she handed over the said gifts to her sons and her daughter in laws. As each read the hand written letter she left for them personally ,they were all close to tears again and finally Sujatha opened her letter at last to be taken back by her daughter words.

" I know it would have been hardly hours since i left aunt, but i already miss you that why i have enclosed a ticket for you in two weeks time. I know you never left home much and you rarely joined us when we went out together but i want you to visit me in London and stay with me for a month, you told me that you wanted the newly weds to leave for their honeymoon what better way for you to spend that time with me than in the house all by yourself. Please consider my request aunt because i want to show you around the place where i live now and take care of you atleast for a month just like you did most of my life and i already tasked my brother to take their wife to honeymoon in their letters. My brothers can never say No to me,so please come and stay with me for awhile" 

Sujatha wasnt the one for adventure but she realized when it comes to Uttara even she cant say No, because in two weeks the Maheshwari house was empty without their family members as  everyone drifted off to new desitnation, Sujatha to london to be with Uttara, Laksh and Ragini choose to go to Italy, awhile Sanskar had kept his location a secret from both his wife and Sujatha .But knowing her sons, she knew they would make it memorable for their wives and she hoped that trip would bound them together and help them get to know each other better and make them fall in love with each other as well

P.S :" A Short Update for now.. The next one will start off with the honeymoon part of the story and i had to close off Uttara trip before it ,so had to write this short update"


Juanita Reid

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