Chapter 9:" Equal Partnership"

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It had been close to midnight when Sanskar walked towards his room , the guests left after dinner and he spent the remaining time locked up in his office room. The thought of meeting Swara made him nervous ,the last 24 hours felt like a year and yet he really didn't know where they stand as far as there marriage was concerned .

He had hoped she would be asleep so he can take the couch like he planned last night but she was wide awake waiting for him .

" We need to talk " She spoke up at the sight of him and he knew the necessity of it yet wondered if talking would solve anything at this point ,they both got married due to their family interference and were stuck together for a life time .

" Sure , what do you want to talk about " Sanskar asked Swara as he sat beside her , he knew she was nervous but he hoped by the end of the night they would have reached a accord.

" What does marriage mean to you ?" her question came as a surprise because he hadn't expected it from her but he wanted to answer truthfully.

" When I was young ,marriage meant finding someone you love and living with them forever because you loved then . It seemed simple back then , but once I grow up I learnt marriage isn't just about love but trust and commitment as well.

I knew my parents loved each other and so did my aunt and uncle ,as every kid usually do I looked up to them as well . But more than their love ,it was their support to each other that made me trust in the concept of marriage, my mother and my aunt both have never stepped inside the office door but what they contribute to our life's can't be replaced by anything.

The way they held the family together by their love and contribution is something I would never take for granted , my dad and uncle worked for long hours that we could hardly see them most if the time ,yet they never missed the important moments of their kid life , most of the time I have seen them living their life in a separate circle ,my mom and aunt in our house while my dad and uncle in work .

Yet the moment they both were in same place together ,they became a unit who relayed on each other ,laughed together and my dad would never say much but his eyes would always revolve around mom and my aunt would have plenty to say to my uncle the moment he arrives home and he would always listen to her patiently ,I had never seen him disregarding her , I wanted that partnership between two people .

I see marriage as a partnership between two people where each gets to lean on other over the course of their life . It the concept of having someone to share your life with that attracted me towards marriage , I have a cousin and a sister and few close friends but still the thought if having someone closer than everyone else appealed to me . " Sanskar spoke up and waited for her to say further.

" I can see why it appealed to you , when I see my sister and Adharsh I feel the same way about marriage but though I love them with all I am ,I had attributed that happiness to the newness of their marriage and feared it will pass away with time . You see unlike you , I saw a different version of marriage as I grew up " Swara answered back making him curious.

" What does marriage mean to you " Sanskar asked Swara this time wondering what was going on her mind.

" As I said ,I have seen my sister happy and I know it possible to be content with marriage but I also have seen my parents marriage ,though they loved each other and I still believe they do . I felt like it comprises of so many sacrifices , I feel like there will always be one person who could be unhappy in the long run because of the said adjustments. " Swara answered back which confused him further as he had no idea why she felt that way.

" So you don't believe it could be a equal partnership ,there will always be one person who will remain unhappy " Sanskar asked her after a moment of silence .

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